posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 12:15 PM
I advise people to read a book called "Breaking Open The Head". I can't remember who it's by, but Googles just round the corner.
My own opinion - everyone I know (around 7) that has taken '___' or Mushrooms, have not gone insane, have not been haunted by demons or flashbacks,
and have come out the otherside of the trip "reignited", happier and seemingly changed for the good. Now thats no conclusive proof, but you have to
wonder....why is it that Tribes and Cultures in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, the whole world, have been using such things for 1000's of years
and stayed alive without our material goods....while we are banned from taking it and scorned for wanting it. Tribes throughout time have used
hallucenegenics to connect with their spiritual side and to promote knowledge and understanding. But not us, no. To us, these drugs are embodiments of
satan, the most ridiculous and harmful thing you could wish to do to yourself. Instead, we are told "Oh, you want to destroy your lungs, pollute the
earth, and then destroy your liver and become an idiot? Great, heres your 40 ciggarettes and your litre of Rum"