posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 09:05 PM
I've inferred from stuff of late that some of the readers who would be most interested in the hacking contest, might not open your link.
It's very interesting indeed.
What could/would they do to the ATS site???? I hope it stands firm!
Officials Brace for Possible Web Attack Wires
Friday, July 4, 2003
WASHINGTON -- Internet security experts say a scheduled international Web hacking contest could create major problems during the holiday weekend -- or
International Data Group said the contest, called "Defacers Challenge," involves awarding points to malicious hackers who successfully compromise an
organization's Web server and deface its Web pages.
The initial warning came from Internet Security Systems, which said it became aware of the contest last week while monitoring Web sites and Internet
Relay Chat channels frequented by hackers specializing in defacement.
But now at least one Web site that advertised the contest has been taken down and experts have conflicting opinions as to what might occur.
Several security experts say large-scale disruptions caused by the contest are unlikely. Caleb Sima, chief technical officer for SPI Dynamics, a
security company, told, "Most real hackers don't pay much attention to things like this, and the kids who do participate ... are script
kiddies who are already out trying to scan and deface things anyway, without needing a special day for it."
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