posted on Sep, 22 2018 @ 11:18 AM
originally posted by: Out6of9Balance
We don't want to ascend, we want to conform to the spirit of the world. Our ascension is a delusion. We'd rather stay sad and angry, of the world
hating the world and paranoid through conspiring against our own. We destroy from within what we have build. We don't like anything and give in to
temptations of the flesh with the inexistence of a God as an excuse to live. That's how we were born.
Why would we need to change.
In my opinion, our mind is the opposite of our subconscious. I believe our subconscious is our connection with the Spirit. Therefore if we live in our
ego or mind, we will remain in delusion.
From my learning, we do want to ascend. What we don't want is to be resurrected. The ancients took this to a literal meaning to teach the world while
in their own Gnostic doctrines they taught the truth to themselves. They understood perfectly that our mind is under a delusion, but they purposely
kept the world in darkness by lying to them, thinking that by keeping them ignorant the world can be controlled easier.
This is why in our day and age, it is so important to change. If you just look out into the public you can see that people are running wild without
one care in the world for the next person, they act greedy, negative, impatient, and angry towards other people - who are just in their way - they
haven't done anything wrong but being in their path. That is the not The Spiritual Truth. The Truth is that we are all connected by the Spirit of God
and we should never treat others like that when we encounter them, even if they are acting rude or uncaring.
They are angry because their mind, their ego is a delusion. The ascension is being born again by water and Spirit, and after that, we are awakened,
enlightened, etc.
Now part of me doesn't believe that we perceive exactly the opposite from each other regarding the truth of the hidden spiritual world. Because to see
just how opposite our beliefs are regarding spirituality, it makes me believe that you are doing it on purpose, as to mess with people, and lead them
astray. Because there are many people in this world who know the truth but keep it away from the rest of the world. As I said even back 3,000 years
ago they still did that. It is just too common, and it all is based on the true hatred that people have for their own species. And even when they
speak against that truth - their actions have absolutely no fruit to them, these people will not get away will Lying for so long.