posted on Nov, 23 2018 @ 06:11 AM
Very interesting thread. I was reading about Akashic Records earlier and came across this thread.
There is certainly a very different perspective on things like the Akashic Records nowadays as science explores the likes of Quantum theory more, and
the lines between spiritual/physical become more blurred.
From the off, the idea of the universe somehow 'recording' every event/thought/emotion/experience that has happened since time began seems farcical.
But if you look at just one theory, such as the universe essentially being a very advanced simulation, then the idea of
logs and records
works. I mean, as I type this I sit in front of a Windows 10 computer which will record every event that occurs within it. If the universe is indeed a
simulation created by some incredibly advanced beings far beyond our realms of understanding, it makes sense that it too would record and log
everything. And although I have yet to see indisputable proof of their existence, I concede that there are probably humans out there who are more
adept at tapping into these records than the majority of us. In computer lingo, you could consider that they have elevated rights to access these
The idea that black holes can 'store information' is also interesting.
To use the computer analogy again - if the universe is a giant computer, and the Akashic Records are logs, what are black holes? Perhaps they're
information processors - almost like CPUs. They can absorb and record information, and for all we know they may also
output information but
that would occur somewhere beyond the event horizon and we cannot see or record that process - the output could be at another point in the universe or
even a different dimension. The Big Bang itself could have been nothing but a singularly massive output from a black hole somewhere - whoever was
sitting at the great galactic computer started another program (our universe!).
edit on 23-11-2018 by elgaz because: (no reason given)