posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 01:46 AM
Thank you, enrage.
We aren't even a type I civilization yet. We are a 0.7H civilization, indicating a relitively low energy usage and informational output.
Also, you shold all consider equally the possibilities that potential extraterrestrial visitors may be hostile. Humankind, as a whole, has advanced
at an incredible pace in the past few hundred years, and that pace is, it seems, accelerating. And we still have all of our violent tendancies and
primal urges. Do not mistake technological expertise for humanitarian intent. These by no means parallel.
That being said, I tend to agree that any species which has devised a means to bridge the gulf of space separating us from their civilization would
have already annihilated us. Unless it took so much effort that they needed to marshal their forces. Or they were being opposed by an equally
powerful force that benefited from our survival. Or....
Ah, the myriad possibilities....