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Cronus, God of the Golden Age, the Vatican and Gold

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posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 06:55 PM
This is kind of a big topic. Something I've come to a conclusion on based on my research into the origins and uses of gold.

Who is Cronus (Kronos) and what does he have to do with gold and the Vatican?

Interesting question. You can find Cronus and Saturn symbolism everywhere in ancient symbolism and in religion. Gold has also intrisincly been tied to elitism, wealth and beauty throughout history. Many Egyptian royalty and wealthy individuals were entombed adorned in gold and had many gold objects with them upon burial.

Many Biblical stories such as King Solomon describe the incredible wealth of Solomon's gold valued around $60 trillion. So anyway.... back to Cronus... who was he and what was Cronus about?

Cronus (Kronos), God of Time

KRONOS (Cronus) was the King of the Titanes and the god of time, in particular time when viewed as a destructive, all-devouring force.

He ruled the cosmos during the Golden Age after castrating and deposing his father Ouranos (Uranus, Sky). In fear of a prophecy that he would in turn be overthrown by his own son, Kronos swallowed each of his children as they were born. Rhea managed to save the youngest, Zeus, by hiding him away on the island of Krete (Crete), and fed Kronos a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes. The god grew up, forced Kronos to disgorge his swallowed offspring, and led the Olympians in a ten year war against the Titanes (Titans), driving them in defeat into the pit of Tartaros (Tartarus).

Cronus ruled the cosmos during the Golden Age. He was also the father of time and wealth much like Saturn. Saturn and Cronus are often thought of as the same god like many mythological figures cross culturally but they do have minor differences.

We can see from both mythological characters that they are both connected to time, law, cruelty and wealth. We could say this is essentially the ruling mythology of modern times. Look at the state of the world, cruelty, abundance for some, time and death and the rule of law. These modern parallel's are not an accident however. I would like to point out that although we do not fully embody the Golden Age (think Atlantis) there are differences between the age Cronus ruled over and today.

There's one more thing I don't get: the time when Cronus ruled the world was considered the Golden Age. Lies and deceit did not exist during that period, immorality had not yet been invented, everybody was pure, all humans spoke the same language and understood each other – in fact, even animals spoke the same language as humans. So... this means that castrating your father and eating your children is not immoral?

Now here is where my theory get's interesting and takes a turn for the worst (or best depends on your perspective).

In Roman mythology, on the other hand, the Golden Age began after Saturn was overthrown by his children. The Titan, now jobless, settled for a smaller task than ruling the world, moved to the Italian peninsula and created the perfect society there. Until he got bored with it, I guess – but still, it makes more sense than the Greek version of the story. That's why I like Romans more than Greeks – they make sense.

I would like to highlight one of the most important parts of this myth...

The Titan, now jobless, settled for a smaller task than ruling the world, moved to the Italian peninsula and created the perfect society there.

This shouldn't be a secret to any of you where I'm taking this by now. The Vatican and Holy Roman Empire have been located in Italy for thousands of years. Coincidentally... The Black Nobility or the earliest known modern banking families are also from Italy. Odd connection isn't it?

Interestingly enough, Venice, Italy is a place of change in how financial institutions were managed and changed to model today's markets.

By the early fourteenth century, financial innovations included: the appearance of limited liability joint stock companies; thick markets for debt (especially bills of exchange); secondary markets for a wide variety of debt, equity and mortgage instruments; bankruptcy laws that distinguished illiquidity from insolvency; double-entry accounting methods; business education (including the use of algebra for currency conversions); deposit banking; and a reliable medium of exchange (the Venetian ducat). All these innovations can be related directly back to the demands of long-distance trade

As you can see from reading the source article the methods they established for banking and business persist to this very day.

Saturn symbolism and the worship of gold can be found in various forms in all religions and corporate logo's.

Gold has long been worshipped as money.

Oddly enough money has an interesting etymology..

" from Moneta, a title or surname of the Roman goddess Juno, in or near whose temple money was coined;

Juno or money is a daughter of Saturn. WOW!!! Do you really think that's a coincidence??

A daughter of Saturn, she is the wife of Jupiter and the mother of Mars, Vulcan, Bellona and Juventas

Do you think it's a coincidence that in today's world the mythology of Saturn is the prevelant culture in the world and that the worship of money is a primary function of the modern world?

I don't.


Gold also tended to hold a prominent position in religious practices. Many utensils were either coated with gold or made entirely of the substance. In that regard, gold signified immortality, perhaps explaining why the “god-kings” would later signify their rules with golden crowns, staffs, and other tokens.

Sumer: The Gold Sumerians used gold for just about everything but currency, which either highlights or negates their esteem for the material. The former more likely is the case; during this time period, people associated gold with prestige and immortality. They thus employed gold in the service of the gods and the elite, making filigreed jewelry, chains, headdresses, and assorted utensils for secular and religious use.

The Sumerians also seemed to view gold as a very long-term investment. They typically buried the ruling class with an assortment of gold jewelry and accessories, including mugs for after-life social functions; food and toiletries; and an entourage of servants. In terms of scale, only King Tutankhamen’s tomb can compete

edit on 18-7-2018 by toysforadults because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 07:33 PM
All the children of disobedience are afoot. Interesting thread. I'm also reminded of the question: Whom is it who has been very busy and focused collecting and amassing the gold?

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Whom is it who has been very busy and focused collecting and amassing the gold?

personally I think the Vatican is storing the gold in either Switzerland, or underneath it in mass quantity. I'm not convinced Solomon is just a mythological religious story.


If you guessed the U.S. government, you're right, sort of. Most people automatically think of the bullion vault at Fort Knox, Ky. The military installation does indeed hold a good stash of the U.S. reserves, about 147 million ounces (out of 261 million total as of December.) Other reserves are socked away in the Philadelphia and Denver mints, the bullion depository at West Point, N.Y., and other places.

But the Federal Reserve Bank of New York holds the prize as the world's biggest known stockpile of gold, some 550,000 glistening bars of the stuff buried deep into the bedrock of lower Manhattan. That's $203.3 billion worth of gold in a single place. Just 2% to 5% of it is owned by the U.S. government, though. The rest is owned by foreign countries.

Remember when they killed Gaddafi?

143 tons of gold, wonder........... wonder what would happen if I amassed gold bars secretly? would I last?

edit on 18-7-2018 by toysforadults because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
All the children of disobedience are afoot. Interesting thread. I'm also reminded of the question: Whom is it who has been very busy and focused collecting and amassing the gold?

Makes you wonder what it's for besides payment. I mean hold only has value because we as humans give it that. What else could it be used for that they would stash it by the tons?

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

it's not really used for much, there's no real demand other than it doesn't react with oxygen or rust, it's immune to decay

so the symbolism of gold I would think would relate to it's properties of immortality

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 08:06 PM
Not so much the Vatican, but more or less that Cronus was a ruler of the cosmos before the Olympians took over. Cronus decent from being uno, is similar to what he did to his father, Uranus, or in some literations, Chaos.

It more iconic with royalty or status quos, like gold being synonymous with wealth or oower. The God of War games heavily imply it for the story, especially in the second one. Cronus sort of did seal his own fate though by trying to avoid it, Greek mythology a really gritty soap opera.

Cronus the Titan, being hit by the thunder bolt is no different then Golaith being brought down with a sling shot.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: Specimen

Cronus decent from being uno, is similar to what he did to his father, Uranus, or in some literations, Chaos

and that's why he is related to time, time = order

Cronus, child of Uranus (or Chaos) = order out of chaos
edit on 18-7-2018 by toysforadults because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

He ate his own children out fear of being replaced in the grand scheme of things because it was prophesied or told that he would fall from grace by one of his own kids. Out of all characters in Greek lore, the only one closest to time, are the sisters of fate.

What about the Olympians, and the different realms of alchemical elements they supposedly rule over in harmony? They have their own not so divine, trinity as well, Cronus is just a ancient history in some chronological order in a time were there were no humans, like his father.

It almost like Shakespeare wrote this #.
edit on 18-7-2018 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-7-2018 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: Specimen

Cronus was a Titan god of time and ages and was, above all, associated with the destructive force of time which sooner or later consumes everything.

edit on 18-7-2018 by toysforadults because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

So what does that make Zeus then?

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: Specimen

Zeus was a god of the sky and weather. He was also known as the King of the gods and a ruler of mankind as he influenced the natural law and order of the cosmos.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

Why couldnt Cronus see the future then if time his element, or go back in time, and be a good father of the gods?

And see, natural law and Cosmos, space and time.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: Specimen

I didn't write the story.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

I know you didn't.

Guess who Dr.Who, while the other Dr. Zeus. Whose Mufasa again?
edit on 18-7-2018 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

Meh. Let em worship the old god I say, it's dead and their faith is utterly wasted.


They'd be nothing but fools, I'll not get into a measuring class of old God's, Odin valued knowledge... I'm not sure what the Hun's believed but I do know it'll have been knowledge that had em knocking on the gates of Rome, all the gold in the Vatican couldn't stop him... Still wonder what made him turn back though.

Still. Gold won't save you, I guess knowledge won't either. Both Kronos and Odin knew their demise was prophesized and it did them no good.

It did us good though

It was always a story of progress, it was always the lesser God's and mere mortals threatening the order of old.

Because even God's fail.

If the Vatican want to believe in failures then let them, just like God's they'll eventually be replaced. Faith can be a fickle old thing.

posted on Jul, 19 2018 @ 09:53 AM
Clues for you:
1. Chronos/Satan/Yahwey is really Saturn (the planet), and Earth was one of it's moons (children) during all this cataclysm.
2. Year zero is when Earth first saw the Sun. before that, we saw only other planets that swept by.
3. When planets war with each other, this is actually electromagnetism. They can consume one-another (and survive consummation), rip off their surfaces, and destroy eachother with lightning.
4. All humans on earth watched all of this happen. You couldn't avoid it, AND it really mattered in every day life.
5. Natural earth history is a vatican lie started even before 1492 when they decided to conquer the world through religion and science.
6. Judaism is the Saturn religion. Most of the planet was Jewish at some point. We all did Saturnalias and we still wear saturn wedding rings

edit on 19-7-2018 by Protricity2k because: (no reason given)

7. Gods didn't kill Titans. Humans did. We like to blame others for what we do. David vs Goliath anyone?
edit on 19-7-2018 by Protricity2k because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2018 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: Specimen

Cronus the Titan, being hit by the thunder bolt is no different then Golaith being brought down with a sling shot.

Goliath wasn't brought down by a "sling shot" - those weren't invented for about another 4-5,000 years when rubber was made available for these types of things. What he was killed with was a rock/stone launched from a SLING.
edit on 7 19 2018 by DigginFoTroof because: (no reason given)

edit on 7 19 2018 by DigginFoTroof because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2018 @ 03:15 PM
Cronus represents Saturn, the planet that rules limitation, restriction, teaches lessons, time, and death. All myths are based off of the planets.

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