posted on Jul, 10 2018 @ 09:53 PM
Here it is....
Explosion in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, levels buildings around Main Street
Multiple buildings were leveled in the incident, which took place around Main Street,
This is pulled from the disaster section oi fox news and the video is there for a few minutes then go in to some political stuff without reporting on
what was just shown..... on 10-7-2018 by TheJesuit because: (no reason given)
edit on
10-7-2018 by TheJesuit because: (no reason given)
edit on 10-7-2018 by TheJesuit because: (no reason given)
So i know not deflection worthy on a national or international scale but BIG none the less!
edit on 10-7-2018 by TheJesuit because: (no reason