posted on Jul, 10 2018 @ 01:56 PM
I have been watching this exchange going back and forth between you and Lab4Us, but wanted to watch the conversation unfold. I'm really glad you
addressed the judging/moralizing approach to argument. It solves nothing and is incredibly childish, useless, and contemptuous. Tell your flat tire
that it shouldn't be engaging in risky behavior and see if that puts the air back in it. AND the approach wreaks of the very inaction that so called
Conservatives (more useless labels that mean nothing to us plebeians anymore) have such disdain for. We have to take into account the corporations the
government has subsidized, and remember the direct phone line those of dynastic wealth have to key officials who can cut red tape for them, or pull
strings to help them broker deals, which have far reaching disastrous effects on the ecosystem of the world. Big chem/food corps deliberately
eliminate diversity because they can't control costs if they carry too many products, which really means destruction of ecosystems and dependency on
artificial means by which to supply sustainability to the corporation, over which the corporation has total control and imposes itself on the will of
consumers, by removing choice through it's hidden practices and crushing small farmers. Diversity is necessary for sustainable ecosystems and health
by virtue of the synergistic effect life has on itself. GMO's are a PSYOP, and before chemicals were grafted into the DNA of some plants, Archer
Mills, now Archer Daniels, waged a campaign to only grow short-grain wheat in the 60's because it's easier to grow over long grain wheat, which is
still easy to grow, and eliminated the strain completely from the market of the United States. The long grain promotes healthy weight and doesn't mess
with hormones the way the short grain wheat does. But short grain wheat does help us get to the doctor and buy some drugs from the pharmaceutical
companies pretty damn fast. I can only order the long grain variety from India, in enormous quantities only as of yet. Still vetting sources by which
to purchase and considering investing in my own market. And we all know what happened with sugar. There has been a plan to consolidate wealth and
power in the US since the industrialists joined forces with the bankers of the world and installed the Federal Reserve in 1913 and it is being done
through centralized banking, through consolidated commodities, and endless favor exchange. They have poisoned our air, water, and food, things that
have always been available to anyone by virtue of them living on the planet trying to make us completely dependent on them and cement our dependency
by eliminating the materials from our environment that we would use to be sovereign, independent-interdependent entities on ourselves, all the while,
also while having technologies squirreled away in their Deep State vaults that would remedy our health concerns almost instantly. All originally
derived from the Babylonian money magic priesthood authority practices of yore... Us mere plebeians are fighting our executioners' battles for them as
they control the dialogue and conversation in main stream media. And simple comparisons of the investment it requires to care for someone with lung
cancer and caring for someone with Alzheimers aren't even available for processing while they are foaming at the mouth, enraged by their own misplaced
blame mixed with a healthy dose of malnutrition to screw with the inner workings of our thinking mechanism. I haven't had health insurance for years.
(Even when I did have health insurance, I almost never went to the doctor. I have been studying and practicing natural medicine since I was 17 and
become a vegetarian at 15, in South Dakota which went over great in 1986 in a small town where everyone knows who I am, not) Death insurance is too
expensive and always has been and my chances of living a longer and happier life by investing in my health practices are far better than they are
participating in death care.
After all of THAT long windedness, we all need to start having a conversation about what we need as human beings, and who we are. While everyone is
yelling and screaming each other, our fight or flight responses are being activated. What is important to know about our fight or flight responses?
Why do we have defenses? Could it be that we want to survive? Isn't that our highest ideal? What is another word for survive? S--, s---. come on, I
know we can all say it together...SUSTAIN. We have to in a way, psychologically start our country over and look at each other, and say, "Ok, ok,
enough. We're trying to live and create a legacy and live the best quality life that we possibly can. How do we do that in a way that most respects
individual differences without compromising our overall well being?" We have to actually talk about what we need, divide the tasks among the
individuals who show the aptitude and desire to carry out those tasks, make discoveries and create things and share them with each other. In this
progress is made. We're not making progress now. We're fighting. Wilheim Reich's inventions, Teslas research and several other, lesser known
inventors' and researchers' works have been classified or destroyed. If we don't calm the f--- down, we can't do any of this. I have been having this
conversation with anyone that would have it with me, since the early nineties, from my little po-dunk Midwest state. I'm in NY now where I'm closer to
certain resources educationally that one doesn't have there, but make know mistake, so many of these intellectuals are still materialist fascists,
it's just that there's a lot more history, libraries, etc. here, so I have access to the information I want here also. I would like to see this trend
continue. I appreciate the original question and also how you have handled your own sub-dialogue.