posted on Jul, 4 2018 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to:
You're right about nationalism. It almost makes me smile how much Americans will do to show they love their country even when their country has done
wrong, they'll admit it but say we had good intentions which is contrary to most EU countries including my own (UK). We seem to only be allowed to be
patriotic during the world cup after which if you have the Union Jack or an England flag up you get attacked, and the police are often called
(happened to us a few years back. Grandfather was staying and he always had a small flag in his window and we had a neighbour ask us to remove it
because she didn't like what it stood for we refused explaining that Granddad fought in the army and so was proud of the flag that he fought for and
she seemed to accept that but then two days later a police officer knock and said we were intimating one of the neighbours we explained what happened
and he asked if we couldn't just take it down anyway, of course my granddad gave him the classic Churchill two finger salute and we left it up).
I only wish we could have flags flying - Side note - Granddad died a few years ago but we still have the flag in the window, bit tatty now and faded
in the corners but it's still there.