posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 04:33 AM
This figure wreathed in fire,
Tempts us all with desire,
To absolve ourselves in flame,
Her power is immolation,
To the unbelievers devastation,
Charred throats hail her name!
Our obedience eternal,
We embrace the heat infernal,
Though some call us insane,
This woman to us a God,
Till we are ashes on the sod,
We will lift up in praise,
Fear the Firehawk,
Respect the Firehawk,
Worship the Firehawk,
The flame immortal,
Fear the Firehawk,
Respect the Firehawk,
Worship the Firehawk,
The conflagration eternal!
From the Soaring Dragon,
To Frostburn Canyon,
Incineration reigns,
The Bloodshot heathens,
And Scorch's foul minions,
Will be slaughtered or tamed,
Holding fists full of ashes,
The sound of fire howls and crashes,
As with flame foes are slain,
Nothing feels as nice,
As burning sacrifice,
To her majestic holy name!
Fear the Firehawk,
Respect the Firehawk,
Worship the Firehawk,
The flame immortal,
Fear the Firehawk,
Respect the Firehawk,
Worship the Firehawk!
The conflagration eternal,
Its we who're burning now,
As we wonder how,
And why we were gamed,
Our God self dethroned,
And is destroying our home,
Impotent is our rage,
For although not a goddess,
Her brutal thermal prowess,
Was in doubt at no stage,
Her disciples are in ashes,
Looted of all their stashes,
Now Pandora turns a page.
This lyric was inspired by a segment of the game Borderlands 2, which I highly recommend that people check out, as it is not only fun to play, but
some of the characters and dialogues in the game are just HILARIOUS. One of the more unhinged ones, is Incinerator Clayton, who, upon bearing witness
to the pyrokinetic capabilities of one of the main characters in the story, decides that said character is this godlike being called the Firehawk, and
gets all his bandit buddies to join his fire cult.
Its comedy gold from start to finish, with brutal humour throughout. There is even a character who, caught up in insanity, demands that you shoot him
in the face. His name? Face McShooty... I kid you not, its a riot. Worth a play, or watching a walkthrough on YouTube, just for the mad, mad
Anyway, thanks for reading folks!