posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 04:24 PM
Everyone's a little bit psychic. Yes, you can LEARN to utilize it better. It's just like anything else, practice, practice, practice. But, there are
actually a LOT of different skills under the "psychic" umbrella.
Telepathy, Empathy, Clairvoyance, Psychometry, Pyrokinesis, Telekineses, Electrokinesis, etc., etc.
Sure, some folks are born more attuned to any one (or more) of these than others, but that's no different than one being better at some other skill.
Of course, I should point out that there's no scientific consensus all of these exist. But that doesn't mean you can rule them all out either. You can
find some simple to do experiments that can illustrate one getting "better" at prognostication, for example, or remote viewing, ESP, etc. You've
likely seen the cards with the wavy lines, circle, box, star, etc. Not just a scene in Ghostbusters, but an actual example of how you can test and
improve, just like exercising any other muscle. Or, you can say it's just random chance.
Kind of up to each of us to decide for ourselves.