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Bigfoot, Gigantopithecus & Speaking

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posted on Jun, 23 2018 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: trollz

Humans are a mix of Homo sapien, Homo Neanderthal, and Homo Denisovan. Maybe bigfoot is a branch of gigantopithecus with a mix of one of the others?

posted on Jun, 23 2018 @ 04:23 PM
While visiting with John Rhodes (the Crypto Hunter) several years back, I had an experience with a Male arguing with a Female in Mariposa CA. It lasted close to 20 seconds, was very guttural, loud and deep sounding. It resembled a fast chattering mixture of Samurai with a bit of English (and perhaps American Indian). The Male was not happy in my opinion (based on some inflections), perhaps because we were there in their wilderness area. They were several hundred feet above me on a hill by the Mountain side and this happened right after John Rhodes had driven off in his Jeep. My vehicle and I were hidden behind a large clump of bushes... so they may have thought that the humans had left (not seeing that I was still there).

Had three Cameras (2 of which could record audio) within a 2 foot reach and yet I was mesmerized and didn't even think about trying to record it till afterwards, (something I've regretted every day).

No.. this was not a visual experience, but I had a boulder rolled down the hill several hundred feet in front of me and the explosion of a large Branch being snapped off a tree all from the same location.

I found later on around that area what appeared to be an old nesting area and some very large scat full of nut and berries. The broken Branch was a good 15 feet high from the ground up from where it had been snapped. The ground was too hard to reveal any prints sadly.

edit on 6/23/2018 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2018 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyAnonymous
While visiting with John Rhodes (the Crypto Hunter) several years back, I had an experience with a Male arguing with a Female in Mariposa CA. It lasted close to 20 seconds, was very guttural, loud and deep sounding. It resembled a fast chattering mixture of Samurai with a bit of English (and perhaps American Indian). The Male was not happy in my opinion (based on some inflections), perhaps because we were there in their wilderness area. They were several hundred feet above me on a hill by the Mountain side and this happened right after John Rhodes had driven off in his Jeep. My vehicle and I were hidden behind a large clump of bushes... so they may have thought that the humans had left (not seeing that I was still there).

Had three Cameras (2 of which could record audio) within a 2 foot reach and yet I was mesmerized and didn't even think about trying to record it till afterwards, (something I've regretted every day).

No.. this was not a visual experience, but I had a boulder rolled down the hill several hundred feet in front of me and the explosion of a large Branch being snapped off a tree all from the same location.

I found later on around that area what appeared to be an old nesting area and some very large scat full of nut and berries. The broken Branch was a good 15 feet high from the ground up from where it had been snapped. The ground was too hard to reveal any prints sadly.

Bigfoot scares other animals and you can tell by their reactions when BF is around.They will eat you without a doubt and you have no ways of knowing without seeing one or smelling one which are the carnivorous leaning type...which prefer more meat....BF is also telepathic...they cant help it and they are LOUD....I had one waiting just inside a treeline for me to cross an open field and get within its charging was so excited and so diabolical in its intentions it was scary....meaning it is like a smart smart pre-teen kid that can very well form complicated nasty diabolical intentions without completely understanding just how bad they really are....I read him with my vestigial telepathy because of his eagerness and because he thought he was smarter than he this day I hope he was completely disappointed that I stopped dead in my tracks looked his way and then spun and BOLTED FULL SPEED away from him before I was in his range....

posted on Jun, 28 2018 @ 12:20 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: trollz

Humans are a mix of Homo sapien, Homo Neanderthal, and Homo Denisovan.

That’s a bit of an oversimplification. By that definition, the Khoi-San wouldn’t be considered human because they don’t have genetic introgression from Neanderthal or Denisovan. when you break down the classification, Homo is the genus, sapient is the Species. So all modern day humans are Homo Sapiens. This is an example of binomial taxonomy. When we start looking at sub species, thus is where you get into the trinomial taxonomy. Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensus, Homo Sapiens Altaiensis snd Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Not all HSS living today have genetic introgression from other members of our genus but they are still HSS. Its just how anthropologists classify hominids currently living.

Maybe bigfoot is a branch of gigantopithecus with a mix of one of the others?

It’s possible but highly unlikely. The few bits and pieces of Gigantopithecus remains known about today seem to indicate more of an affinity to Orangutan than to African apes. The majority of fossils are relegated to teeth and jaw fragments but this still gives us a good starting point to learn about them.

While we can’t say one way or the other if they were bipedal or not, we can tell what they ate based on the type of teeth we have and from remains of food preserved in the plaque on their teeth. Again, the teeth much more closely resemble those of an orangutan and are built for eating tough, fibrous plant matter like bamboo.

It’s also important to note that ‘Gigantopithecus’ is the genus and there are 3 known species. G Blacki (the larges ape to ever roam the earth and the one many think could be Bigfoot), G. Giganteus snd G. Bilaspurebsis.

Aside from being a likely relative to Orangutans, they also diverged as fat back as 9 MA. Long before Chimps and humans began diverging from their LCA. As cool as it would be, it’s very unlikely there would be any genetic compatibility with that long of a separation chronologically, for admixture to be successful enough to lead to offspring period let alone fertile offspring.

posted on Jun, 28 2018 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

It was an off hand comment without much thought other than what could be Bigfoots ancestry? I should have stated that "some" Humans are a mix of species as I knew that some South Africans have no Neanderthal or Denisovan DNA. I knew that Gigantopithecus was the genus and was a possible relative to Orangutans but didn't know how many species of giant ape had existed without googling it.

Whats you opinion on a possible explantion for Bigfoot and it's ancestry?

edit on 28-6-2018 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2018 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: donktheclown

This thread reminded me of that guy. Probably fake but I want to believe.

edit on 29-6-2018 by lucidclouds because: (no reason given)

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