We went to see it this past weekend. I was alert to the issue because I had paid attention to the commercials, so I was prepared to close, cover,
avert my eyes. I am one of the classes of people this warning is for. I have photosensitivity that triggers migraines.
The flickering was not at a frequency that tends to trigger after only a short time, so I got away all right this time. Star Wars Ep. I put me in the
ER with an intractible migraine, for example (something about the battle between the droids and the gungans). But because I know I am susceptible to
the right frequency of flashing, *any* strobing effect becomes very uncomfortable to endure because it's hard to know which one will be the one that
And the strobing lasts for prolonged periods, not just seconds. So to cover your eyes forces you to miss some sustained sequences.
My husband knows the drill and he will always tell me when it's safe to come out, but he kept apologizing profusely for the length of time I was
The worst thing about it is that the film is wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed everything but the strobes. The main villain was a bit weak, but
everything else was so well-done that that really didn't take much of anything away from it. It was a worthy sequel. So please go and enjoy but be
aware that if you are light sensitive, you need to prepared.
It should be watched. It's a good movie. Just be aware if you have issues with flashing lights. Take whatever measures you need to take just to be
3D films at the cinema used to make my daughter quite ill, she was around 6 at the time, the second time it happened we knew something was up but
never really worked out what. She would come good once we left after about 15mins.