posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 01:32 PM
There's nothing in the treaty that prevents you from taking out a satellite as is. Satellites
are vulnerable, but between a wide variety of
networks and the ability to deploy small, ad hoc replacements, it would be extremely difficult to zap them all. There are built on redundancies.
You've got Milstar/AEHF, EHF, TDRS, DSCS, WGS, GBS, etc all serving as relays. You have agreements with commercial operators to buy/hijack their
bandwidth as/when needed. We don't need ground stations, although there are a few. There are even some floaty things that have enough bandwidth to
serve as relay in a pinch. Do you know what using a groundstation as a relay to another groundstation does? It makes your signal vulnerable to
interception and jamming. Why would you possibly want to do that? Especially when it's completely unnecessary.
There are already "screws and solar events" occuring. You never notice. Do you know why? Because there is so much built in redundancy the signal is
routed through a different relay. End of story. They schedule a replacement mission with a satellite already sitting in storage (sometimes already
mated to a bus even).
There are hundreds of satellites serving as relays right now. Several hundred. You can laze or otherwise kill or incapacitate a sat (some are more
vulnerable than others), and it reduce your monitering ability, but will never hurt your relay system. Just one system (TDRS) has nine satellites in
geoshnch at thd moment. You know how many the mission requires? Three. Wiith the right two you can cover over 80% of the globe. You're only limited by
bandwidth (which is why there are so many other systems). So what are the other six doing? Just hanging out ready to step in line if there is
something wrong and one goes offline. TDRS (and several others) are geostationary, so it's a lot less vulnerable and a lot less crowded than other
constellations, but there are hundreds of satellites ready to relay data at the flip of the switch.
edit on 26-6-2018 by RadioRobert because: (no reason given)