a reply to:
The internal river... when swallowing make sure to imagine it flowing out back behind you. If one tries to invery you; in their dualistic system
meditate until your mouth fills with the tongue tip at the roof of the mouth. Taste it; if bitter the entire tongue in the five was in agreement that
that life was... so spit it out.
If not swallow it... to fill the rivers within with amskirta.
Why this continual inversion? Because Buddhas always born male; Dakinis always born female and BOTH are born out of all sentient beings... as the
father mother union.
Greed, hate and desire in the worlds children lead to tearing them both apart where it is very difficult to get back together... very rarely does
anyone pass off the heirs to the rightful lap.
As all of those try to continually mix it up in the worlds ignorance even the "god/titan realms using children as dogs to sniff out the seed stolen
they shouldn't ever have had to begin with.
Some even go so far to lock up those that have achieved such and continually sacrifice them as that stupid christ concept over and over... down to the
very last child, then set them on a throne only to take it away again in that whole rulership nonsense. While the world runs around blind and
ignorant... to the truth.
The truth is existence is suffering due to that carried this is why so many unburden a mind which should already exist in the perfection of
The children are used as soothe sayers until their purity is just as corrupted; only to start the entire mass all over again.
So many rounds of birth and death... there IS no first cause except by volition in each and every moment. So it does not matter what being if one
takes another as a slave to unburden on and lay and cast blame against? They are the ones continually laying the very foundations of hell for those
that do not deserve it so it is best to not serve it at all.
Meaning appetite for whatever desire, starting with the sense consciousnesses... when the eye ceases to judge it becomes clear of "mind" the same with
the ear. the nose the mouth and tactile sensations... then the "mind" consciousness is set free and clear also.
Ignorance still attached to those 12 links in some way shape or form as a memory even down to the smallest cell as a consciousness; can or will bring
it back to life and restart the entire mass all over again.
So of course then one studies the basic elements fire, water, earth, and air. To become clear of the no nothing tongue and no nothing nose.
Formation is the important link in the chain of causation to study then... as it is closely tied to the one called becoming that skips over birth as
it is then "others attached as a fetter to recreate the delusion and restart it all over again.
Such a thing is known in four steps as SUFFERING. As the heart already knows what has occured before any other mindful awareness of being even moves.