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Unsustainable housing prices

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posted on May, 29 2018 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

I was just showing its possible to own cheaply, most people however want to live in the cities or on the coast and it's bloody expensive.

Its the lifestyle their paying for... For example, I could have paid 100 grand less for an old home on a good piece of land... But then it'd take me 3 hours to commute to and from work... Everyday would be a total ordeal.

But as it stands, I usually wake up a half hour before I've got to be at work... With a 10 minute shower and a 6 to 8 minute drive, I usually still have time to blow before I have to clock in... As you've already stated...its about location.
edit on 29-5-2018 by Subaeruginosa because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2018 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: tinner07
I just sold a small house [1000 sqf] 3 bedroom 1 bath in a very desirable area near Atlanta. never even put it on the market. Guy next door offered me $150,000 as is. So we close on it Thursday. The house was in fairly good condition, buy could use some TLC. It has original hardwood floors, energy appliances all working and only a few years old. There are very few homes of any kind around here under $300 grand. I wonder how young people can afford to buy, but they are building condos everywhere that start in the low $300 Gs. Pretty but not for old folks like me, too many steps.

posted on May, 29 2018 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: JimNasium
a reply to: JAGStorm

Jag- In 1994, I purchased a 1292 sq. ft. home in Cotati, Ca. (Sonoma County 'Wine Country') I paid $168,999. Fortunately My Wife and I were able to pay off the note and $30k that My folks borrowed Us to make the purchase.

In October of 2003, while going through physical therapy for My neck/back, I was also diagnosed w/Cancer and after testing over a couple of months I was told that I had approximately 18 months 'to LIVE'.

By June of 2004, I was told that I was to be 'medically retired' from a police job in the SF Bay Area. Not wanting to die as both My parents were still counted amongst the living, We decided to sell the house.

The house SOLD the very first day it was offered for $445k and I've been a "Cash Player" ever since. I first bought a Country Club house, remember at this time I was 'still dying'.. I've since sold that house and bought a waterfront house because I can't play golf any longer so now I fish.

Remember, I've been on "borrowed time" for almost 15 years now... And in fact, I'm in better shape physically minus the broken back/neck. The "cancer" which was atop My lungs?? The copious amounts of Cannabis must've cleaned it out??

Stay Hydrated....

P.S. The "American Dream" isn't dead, You just now have to travel to Central or South America to achieve it...

I remember the rents in Sunnyvale. $1400 for an apartment with air conditioning. Just round the streets were basic apartment $700 monthly rent.
Go up to Menlo Park or Palo Alto and a house rents for $6000/month, with each room renting for $1500. Now the prices are $6000/month. Entry level graduates get salaries of $180K/year, but still have to share a room.

Stress can inhibit the immune system. Chill out and take things easy, then the immune system recovers and possibly it will fight that cancer. It might be that cancer is caused by a virus or fungal infection as well.
edit on 29-5-2018 by stormcell because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-5-2018 by stormcell because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2018 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: toysforadults

They didn't even try to correct the BS that brought on the crash of O8. The next crash is going to hurt much worse.

I rode the mkt up, but I bailed when Trump was elected. Trickle down has never worked for the American working man.

It's just a way for the rich to tell you it's raining when they pisson your shoes.

The crash of 08 was the fault of the Democrats. You know, the housing crash that Bush told congress not once, not twice but 17 times was going to crash. The subprime mortgage fiasco. Carter setting up and Clinton amping up "affordable housing for all citizens that can't actually afford it". The result of his warnings?

Barney Frank would have none of that, even while it was crashing.

If you bailed when Trump was elected you are just going to pay for your partisanship. Have fun with that. My properties values have gone up an average of 12% in the last two years.

As for the "trickle down" economics not working, Reagan set fire to the economy, so much that even his scumbag successor could cash in on it.

And you ended your post with envy.

Why not put on a pair of big girl pants on and get rich yourself, if that is what you want to do?

Can't do it? Your fault. Pretty simple really... although it seems that people such as yourself are a lot happier blaming people you think better than yourself and cry that the system is rigged.

It really isn't. You just are not good enough, focused enough, don't want it bad enough. All on you.

In my case, I always live below my means. As a result, I have plenty of stuff and have too much fun stuff to do to worry about what my neighbor has that might be better, or if they make more than I do.

We are not equal... none of us are.

So do the best you can and be happy with it.

posted on May, 29 2018 @ 09:47 PM
Housing prices are going up because of rapid population growth due to immigration and the children of immigrants. It's simple supply and demand.

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: starviego
Housing prices are going up because of rapid population growth due to immigration and the children of immigrants. It's simple supply and demand.

Some areas become places no one wants to live but can afford, while other areas places everyone wants to live, but few can afford. The reasons may be different, but the same result; student ghettoes, transient population living in HMO properties, refugee centres, sink estates, prisons, drug addiction and mental health centres. The remaining areas are upmarket neighbourhoods, rural locations. In the UK, these have been categorized under Acorn demographics.

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Good timing. I was actually checking out the prices of houses my wife and I previously owned on Zillow yesterday.
We bought our first home, a new construction town house in Whippany, NJ in 1994 for $160k. We sold it in 1998 for $195k. A decent profit, it appreciated about 4.5% a year. We didn't put too much money into it. Town homes in the same neighborhood are now selling for close to $400k. Sounds ridiculously high, but it really works out to only be about a 3.5% increase from 1998 to 2018 and seems in line with other housing in the area. Over the course of almost 25 years, it's worth about 2.5 times what I originally paid for it.

I'm too lazy to calculate it, but I'd imagine that inflation has been roughly the same over the past 25 years.
I think some of the dramatic increases are area specific. My dad lives in a San Francisco suburb and you can't touch any single family homes for under $1 million.

posted on May, 30 2018 @ 09:32 AM
Dont know were you are at funny I live in what is best described as a boom town Building every ware and yet at the same time 2 000 empty homes with sale sings .

Prices are LOW LOW credit is easy peasy . My son got a 3 bed two bath 7/10 acre nice section fair schools low crime clean 110 k 730 month morgage to rant a home like this here 1200 starts .

And I can go a street over pick up a shack for 50 k at this mint a acre for 5000 right out side town .
So prices are cheep .
This town still recovering from the crash and oil spill as its right on the gulf .
But you want work ? a cheep place to live and even food prices 20 % cheaper this is the place to be.

posted on May, 31 2018 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: Lumenari

Why not put on a pair of big girl pants on and get rich yourself, if that is what you want to do?

Can't do it? Your fault. Pretty simple really... although it seems that people such as yourself are a lot happier blaming people you think better than yourself and cry that the system is rigged.

It really isn't. You just are not good enough, focused enough, don't want it bad enough. All on you.

O boooooy if only you knew

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