posted on May, 27 2018 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to:
Russia and Putin already kicked out western food, and fast food chains, even to the point of burning and burying millions of tons of American produce
and goods.
Everyone laughed at them, and said they would fall apart and people would starve. Nope.
They actually had a culinary and agricultural revolution.
But there is always a catch. As a result they wanted more from the bread basket of Europe, Ukraine, and look what's happening there. Honestly, I think
a full communist government can't work with the way humans actually work, we are conservative by nature, and once someone else impedes on one little
aspect of your life and you see the truth of what a communist government can become, you get problems.
I feel like Russia will slowly adopt a healthy liberal middle ground in the end, it will be socialist at the foundation, but tradition, and hard
working people will thrive as well.