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Aliens and Bees Connection?

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posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 01:44 PM
Well this might throw everyone for a loop or have everyone laughing at me..

In any case, I was wondering if any of you UFO/Alien buffs know if there was/is some sort of connection to honey bees and/or hives? If you haven't a clue, then do you have any ideas as to why Aliens might have an interest in them? I don't know alot about bees or aliens..but I do think that there is some connection. I'll explain a little later.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 01:52 PM
Hm, Bees would be a good way to carry viruses.
Or so it was in the X-files if i can remember right.
Im interested in this too, I guess we'll have to wait for a alien buff to come up with some sort of conection.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 02:07 PM
Several years ago while I was living in Cali. Some really strange things occured, possibly alien connected or government connected-who knows? But anyway out in the middle of nowhere almost directly beneath/next to where we saw and felt some unusual stuff, there were hives everywhere. I thought it was unusual at the time, but thought even more unusual after seeing the X-files movie. In fact, it sent chills down my spine..but I don't remember the movie enough to know what the connection was with them and the aliens? Was it viruses? I know you said it was, but are you sure? It's probably nothing, I just find it strange that I would have seen it *for real* and then they made a movie involving the connection. Then again, I believe TV and movies are somewhat there to deter us instead of show us the truth..

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 02:11 PM
Im not sure on the virus part to be exact.
But if i remember thats how they were used in the movie, to carry some sort of virus.
i dont remember the movie too much either.
Im hoping for someone to help clarify all of this.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 02:17 PM
Where in CA were you? If you were anywhere near farmland,ranches,etc,they use bees to help pollenate crops.The San Joaqin valley has beehives everywhere.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 02:21 PM
But the thing about it is, that they weren't on any farmland..I swear to you we were pretty much in the middle of nowhere and the scenerio just *looked* wrong. I've spoken about alot of the things we saw already here many moons ago, but I never really asked about the bee connection..until now.

So what do you think?

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 02:25 PM
I don't know what to think.I have never heard of bee/alien connection,outside of the X-Files.Napa has lots of grape fields,possibly they have the hives set away from people so no one gets stung,or messes with hives.I'll look into it.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 11:15 PM
I think that we like to think that the 'greys' have a "hive Mind" because it feels good to think of them as somehow less than us. In reality, though, the uniform and un-individualistic behavior attributed to greys during abductions is really no different than the attitude expressed by human military personel during a military operation -- that is, just because the aliens don't seem like individuals during an encounter doesn't mean that they're not individuals... they may just be disciplined members of a task-oriented force.

[Edited on 3-7-2003 by onlyinmydreams]

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 11:24 PM
At the rate that 'genetic manipulations' are taking place, I really wouldn't doubt a connection. To what degree, remains to be seen.


posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 10:00 AM
Alot of people who are either abducted or have reported seeing IFU say they often hear a humming sound & desribe it as sounding like bee's.

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 10:05 AM

Alot of people who are either abducted or have reported seeing IFU say they often hear a humming sound & desribe it as sounding like bee's.

That is all I've been able to come up with so far. A lot of sights report the sound of bees.But it is what the aircraft sounded like. I am trying to find out if there is any evidence of UFO landings near any beehives.Haven't found anything yet,but you never know.

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 10:09 AM
Do you think that the aliens could be stealing the bees and hives? If it's reported that people hear it from the *quiet* crafts then this could make some sense??

Do you think the bees are there to lure them? Since people say the crafts sound like bees, then wouldn't the sounds from the hives attract them there?

PS) Thank you Nyeff for looking into are right, you just never know

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 10:13 AM
to conspiracies even....why jump to an alien agenda conclusion?

Many things in the X-Files are taken and based on reality, but in the end, it's just dressed up fiction. Heck, more than any other show, X-Files certainly gets to the heart of the conspiracist...(their own Bilderberg Group pretty much, the Smoking Man, the Lone Gunmen...etc.)

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 10:21 AM
You obviously didn't read my initial post? And you obviously aren't familiar with my experiences in Cali *that I have posted here* it wasn't all about the X-files..LOL! I just found it ironic after seeing the movie that they made a I had done so years before the X-files movie..

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 10:54 AM

Then again, I believe TV and movies are somewhat there to deter us instead of show us the truth..

I agree! As for the bees, I remember hearing that some alien species have a "hive mentality" (i.e. collective), so that would be consistent with bees, at least. What could they use them for? Espionage?

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 11:02 AM
were used as a means to deliver a "virsus" or mutating agent that would transform whoever was stung in to an alien. That was their way of mutating the humans in to aliens.

As far as connections to aliens, here's an idea just off the top of my head. It may sound crazy but it wouldn't be the first time I've been accussed of that.

You know how bee's communicate the location of a food source by dancing around in circles right? Well maybe the crop circles are a similar way for the aliens to communicate the location of something interesting to other aliens. Just a though anyway.

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 12:19 PM
Hi, this is my first post here. I've visited ATS Forums for quite a while, but haven't much to contribute till now. I've found this link a while back, it connects bees, the structures found in hives, and anti-gravitation: The Natural Phenomena of Antigravitation and Invisibility in Insects and the Grebennikov Cavernoud Structures Effect.

Since this is the extent of what I've heard on the subject and any experimentation, I'm skeptical of its veracity- any collaboration would be appreciated

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 01:23 PM

Gaz~shame shame..

You obviously didn't read my initial post? And you obviously aren't familiar with my experiences in Cali *that I have posted here* it wasn't all about the X-files..LOL! I just found it ironic after seeing the movie that they made a I had done so years before the X-files movie..

I didn't mean to go off on the X-Files tangent, just that all of the bees could be many things, either innocent, or government-related....

But, I'll answer your question, in regards to what the connection could production. Think about it, you're an alien that has no teeth, just a hard gum-like mouth....what would be a perfect food? Why not honey? Perhaps it's one of the agreements? Who knows? Might also be why they like Strawberry Ice Cream...

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 05:58 PM
The 'buzzing' that comes from their ships may just be from their 'engines'.

If they were insects with hive minds, how could they have gotten to the point where they could build starships??? The hive mentality precludes original, and thus inquisitive, thought.

Just because they don't break out into song and dance every time they abduct someone doesn't mean that they lack a culture or individuality... they are most likely just task-oriented professionals who are working on a schedule.

Also, I'm sure that not all of them are 'employed' as abductors and spaceship pilots for a living. It may very well be that they have an extensive culture on their homeworld, complete with all forms of artisans. Judging them by the way they act during an abduction, and the sounds their ships make, is like judging the entire human race based upon the way special forces act during a mission, and the sounds their helicopters make.

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 06:01 PM
Though, if they were an 'engineered' species that was created by someone else for the sole function of abducting us, they might very well have a hive mind... but, still, saying that they must have 'hive minds' sounds like chauvinism on the part of us humans to me.

Still, if you're going to create a race just to abduct humans, why not make them more pleasant looking. Why not just make them look like Ewoks or soemthimng cute?

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