What one might wonder is how the so-called Liberals [aka: Progressives, Socialists] have taken the issue of gun control
and the neutering of the Second Ammendment over - As if only 'they' care about public safety and the Conservatives
are endangering public safety by insisting on basic Constitutional rights, which in the Unitetd States includes
' the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed' - The Second Ammendment.
Its not their issue to grab - And probably costs them more elections than they are capable of realizing
- Ameroicans of all political backgrounds left, right, and middle, don't want a 'Nanny State' - They would rather have
the so-called 'right to choose' on most, if not all issues. - And you should have noticed how both political parties
will not accept this - The Democraats with their anti Second Ammendment stance and the Republicans with their
taking away women's rights stance - Both parties alienate hughe blocks of voters and is why many people don't vote.
I have already suggested a third major political party - see:
"It's Time for a New Political Party in the United States"
I have no other suggestions - As the two political parties as it now stands, seem determined to
continue dividing the United States and its people.
And exactly who do they really work for? - Maybe 'The New World Order' ? [whatever that means?]
More transparency and realistic thinking and politics would go a long way.
edit on 23-5-2018 by AlienView because: (no reason given)