posted on May, 30 2018 @ 08:34 AM
Why then have the Sumer went to all the trouble of Quantifying time , and dividing it to make it more manageable, I think it has to do with it being
directly observable on the macro scale
on the quantum scale we are not directly observing particles , but using advanced machinery to do this for us , or using mathematical calculations to
simulate reality or predict reality.
is time only relevant in the macro world because its affect is observable where as on the quantum we cant directly observe the passage of time?
Has it simply to do with conscious observation?
Ok so from what I've read , i'm leaning towards the point at which time no longer functions or is relevant to human observation is the point where we
cannot directly observe a particle or quantum effect.
So moving from the subatomic scale to the subnuclear scale possibly
again I think it has to do with mass/ gravity , which seems the most obvious
Our reality , is limited by our perception using our senses , and our senses were evolved in a time dependent dimension of objects with high mass, low
energy and low vibrational frequency
Objects in the universe which have high mass , are affected by gravity and also time , objects with nearly zero mass (sub nuclear particles) , are not
affected by time .
Do all subnuclear particles have high energy levels compared to macro particles/matter ?
because im thinking , low mass, high energy , high frequency vibration, out with time , and those particles exist in both this dimension and also
another we only see the tip of the iceberg sort of
High mass , low energy , low vibration ? , (solids , liquids , gases , plasma ) embedded in time
these are all just ideas im spewing out my head
I will need to spend more time thinking about it
its fun to think about it though
good thread