posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 04:59 PM
After reading over several links on the site, I was thinking a few things;
Since we’re now moving to an age when all this new technologies are becoming available what will we see for the military?
I myself, partially see the day when we see suits almost like the old Iron Man ones, from the comic books. A suit, built to fit a persons body, able
to self heal and use energy and conventional weapon as well as having hydraulics to increase human potential. The only thing I do not see possible,
is the flying and force field.
Does anyone have any information on force fields/working and possible flight for this sort of a suit?
I’d also be interested on what people think, to this question:
“In our life time (next 80years) do you think we’ll see suits like this?”
If so, when and for what purpose?
Any other thoughts, comments, etc, please let me know.