Well, yesterday I got turned around while waiting two hours on the road due to the base reaching capacity. I was a bit disappointed, but it was my own
fault for not being in line by 8AM. I hope anybody else that was turned around managed to make it back today. Mother's day plans prevented us from
making it today.
In any case, the A-10 and F-22 were making flight demos yesterday. I did manage to see the A10 flying around while I was on Dale Mabry trudging along
in line. They were supposed to have some Mq-9 Reapers on display, that would have been the first time I seen them. I'll go back in 2020 I guess,
hopefully they do not do it on a holiday weekend again.
We saw the plumes of smoke from Dale Mabry lol! Man this was too badass, I can't believe I missed it!
A live Stream will be up for the res of the day. Enjoy yall for those who arent lucky enough to live nearby!