posted on May, 9 2018 @ 12:20 PM
What aspects are you interested in? Fieldwork or theoretical books?
One subject that will never "go out of style" is stratigraphy. Always useful.
Also, depending on where you are and what period you will be homing in on, any treatise on local material culture from the period is very valuable.
Just to get an overview. Building techniques, pottery techniques and styles (if applicable) and tools. Understanding how flint and obsidian knapping
works, for instance, is invaluable when dealing with lithic cultures.
Finally a much neglected subject is conservation of artefacts in the field. How to prevent degradation in storage, contamination and also safe
handling and transport.
All very practical skills, which you will need in the field, but really won't learn until you have gotten dirty for a few seasons :-)
As to theory, there are countless books, but you will no doubt get a curriculum with a nice smorgasbord of authors to delve into.
Good luck in your studies :-)
edit on 9-5-2018 by beetee because: (no reason given)