posted on May, 4 2018 @ 11:34 AM
Have you ever taken the time to consider to yourself, how little you truly do know?
I mean, you think you know something, so you think your at least well versed in the subject.
But when you start looking deeper into the subject matter you soon realize how little you do know. And when you look into the hidden concepts that we
take for granted, you truly begin to appreciate how much goes into everything we do.
Head to:
A site for people like myself, who think we're smart and know a lot about math, calculus, physics, engineering, even logic.
But when you do your first quiz, you soon realize, things get deep.
My first quiz was on the physics of how a refrigerator works.
I figured, thermodynamics, no problem, okay I got this.
Did the quiz being a jackass, briefly looking over the questions because I'm a know it all.
Finished the quiz, BOOM- 2 answers correct.
Went back and reread each question, took my time to consider the wording - because they try to trip you up.
And still got 1 question wrong.
This site has quizzes on every concept you can think of.
If you think your smart goto
Do the intro course quizzes.
They are free.
But if your like me, you will soon be coughing up the $120 for the year membership to access the entire course flow.
A word of advice, READ the question. Don't just glance over it.