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For crying out loud, UFOs are not US!!!

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posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:04 AM
I really don�t understand why so many people on this website believe that UFOs are secret government craft. That just seems like an easy out to me. If you do any amount of serious research on the subject of UFOs you would realize that these craft are NOT all made by the US government. You�d realize that the government is just as confused about these objects as we are. I wouldn�t think our own craft would shut down our own nuclear missiles. I wouldn�t think they would buzz our space shuttle either. Well�I was going to make this a longer post but I don�t have time right now.

Anyway, here�s some common sense questions to make you think:
Why would the government test fly it�s secret craft in front of witnesses and over major cites all over the world? Why would the military sent interceptors after it�s own vehicles? Why would the technology of these craft have not changed in 50 years (UFOs have the same performance now as they did in 1950)? How do you explain UFO sightings throughout history, hundreds, even thousands of years in the past?
Really though, come on. Government X-craft? That�s such a simplistic explanation for this massive and long-running phenomenon�

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:07 AM
that anyone here claimed that ALL UFOs were government craft....

I can't think of anyone right off hand....Was this meant as a response to some specific thread?

If instead, you meant the other thread, it stated that they were from the future, and if so, it would satisfy all of your questions (why the intercepts, etc.)....

[Edited on 2-7-2003 by Gazrok]

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:14 AM
Why would the government test fly it�s secret craft in front of witnesses and over major cites all over the world?

They mostly fly them at night, people really can see anything be a weird shape, a few lights in the sky and an odd noise. A few weeks ago we were discussing the SR-71 and one member mentioned that when the SR-71 had to make a 90 degree turn, it scrossed THREE(!) states before it ended the turn. Big chance you fly over a town of city then...

"Why would the military sent interceptors after it�s own vehicles?"

Because only the highest people in the military know where and when they are testing their secret birds. An they won't call the radaroperator and a local airbase and tell them to ignore that dot on the radarscreen, traveling at mach 7...

Really though, come on. Government X-craft?
As Darth Vader once said: Don't underestimate the power of the force

UFO sightings throughout history are based on tales and drawings. You now how it goes when a story is told from one person to another and to another, and to anoter... Only after the story is passed on by 5 people, the entire subject has changed.

I'd say only 3% of all reported UFO's of the last 50 years are alien crafts...

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:35 AM
Gazrok, I wasn't responding to any particular thread, just things from here and there.

But your saying that you think SOME UFOs are alien craft, right? The SR-71 analogy doesn't really apply though because it obviously doesn't seem to take most UFOs very long to make 90 degree turns (instant) and they don't make noise.
I think that most UFO researchers will say that the majority of sightings are mistaken identity. However, I think that the majority of legitimate sightings are not government craft. Human X-craft, like the SR-71, stealths, and the "Aurora" tend to have a certain look to them: sleek, aerodynamic, and above all, black. They also are very noisy. A brightly glowing spherical object that emits strange beams and releases independently controlled orbs is most likely not made by the US government.

Really, I'm sure that the US military buzzed the US capital in 1953 and caused a near-panic in the....US military. I'm sure the US military would fly it's above top secret craft above Mexico city during a solar eclipse knowing people would be looking up. I'm sure the US military would destroy the equipment on it's own nuclear missles. I'm sure...heck, I could continue this for hours.

I think that the black triangles seen in recent years may be ours, but the other non-conventional craft....not likely. Occam's razor.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:47 AM
The majority of sightings are not space craft, but misidentified aircraft (conventional or secret), misidentified astronomical bodies, etc. The true alien craft sightings (and I've had one, in my lifetime thus far, that I have no questions of) are few and far between for the most part....

The sightings you mentioned are more typical of true alien craft sightings (the glowing orbs, etc.), but they do not represent the majority of sightings, but rather the minority....

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 11:36 AM
"The sightings you mentioned are more typical of true alien craft sightings (the glowing orbs, etc.), but they do not represent the majority of sightings, but rather the minority.... "

Yeah that's true, but it just gets to me when people deny the "alien" presense in favor of the less challenging theory that ALL UFOs are government test craft or geomagneticaly-induced hallucinations. Seems that theyr'e just trying to preserve their small bubble of a worldview and ignoring the evidence.

[Edited on 7/2/2003 by Flinx]

posted on Jul, 4 2003 @ 11:08 AM
i find the notion that the government finds ufo's to be confusing is hilarious. let's face it; if there are such things as aliens, OUR GOVERNMENT KNOWS ABOUT THEM. and truly, the only way any of us here will ever know the truth is, a) if the powers that be decide it is time for us to be enlightened b) we are invaded c) there is a widely seen crash/landing event, and finally d) you actually have a personal experience with an et.


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