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originally posted by: olaru12
Kanye is just following the Diamond and Silk model; Paid shills by the likes of fox news where they make appearances regularly.
Sad to say they are all members of my union. Where scale is $1500usd an appearance even if it's only 15 min with residuals. It's just business as usual.
Create an online personality, or use your mediocre talent and capitalize on your 15min of fame. It's an established model/platform.
Alex Jones created an empire for the gullible far right; Brilliant in concept and implementation!! It's a show folks....bring in the clowns!!
originally posted by: Thecakeisalie
a reply to: BotheLumberJack
This is coming from a man who named his children after a direction on a compass and the windy city.
Sure there is some sincerity in it, but both men have egos that are more inflated than the Hindenberg. But then again all liberals are idiots, just ask my children South by Southwest and Castle Rock.
originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: KansasGirl
Your patronising demeanour is expected I suppose, since you clearly have missed my point, so it’s your only comeback to something you far beyond your small mind.
You’re right about one thing though, no one cares what Kenny Rogers says about Trump, coz he’s an old, white country singer, hence why I used him as an example.
Trump supporters obviously felt the need to crow about Kanye loving Trump, because they believe people think they’re racist...but they (read: YOU) don’t get that carrying on about it, is playing the race card.
It’s pretty simple, even your buddy wardaddy said as much this is why it’s a big deal.
originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: Wardaddy454
Because it is a big deal. It destroys the narrative that Trump is racist.
That’s playing the race card, and I’m right in saying it’s only worth mentioning because Kanye is black.
Thanks for admitting it, wasn’t that hard, was it?
I’ve never said Trump is racist by the way, so that destroys your narrative..
originally posted by: UKTruth
originally posted by: KansasGirl
So he didn't tweet that he loves Trump? He tweeted a picture of a signed MAGA hat. Is that the tweet your thread title is based on?
Unless I missed it, I'm pretty annoyed that your title is way misleading. I thought I was going to see a tweet by Kanye that said "I love Trump" or "I love you, Trump!" or even "I loves me some Trump" and instead all I got was a tweet of a signed MAGA hat.
Seriously- misleading thread title.
You should be more annoyed at yourself for not bothering to actually do a just a tiny bit of research before attacking the OP. I mean it only takes a glance at the guys tweet.
"You don't have to agree with trump but the mob can't make me not love him," West tweeted earlier Wednesday. "We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don't agree with everything anyone does. That's what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought."
originally posted by: BotheLumberJack
originally posted by: olaru12
Kanye is just following the Diamond and Silk model; Paid shills by the likes of fox news where they make appearances regularly.
Sad to say they are all members of my union. Where scale is $1500usd an appearance even if it's only 15 min with residuals. It's just business as usual.
Create an online personality, or use your mediocre talent and capitalize on your 15min of fame. It's an established model/platform.
Alex Jones created an empire for the gullible far right; Brilliant in concept and implementation!! It's a show folks....bring in the clowns!!
So anyone that likes Trump is now a paid shill? wow..How do you get through your day, seriously how the # do you do it?
originally posted by: olaru12
originally posted by: BotheLumberJack
originally posted by: olaru12
Kanye is just following the Diamond and Silk model; Paid shills by the likes of fox news where they make appearances regularly.
Sad to say they are all members of my union. Where scale is $1500usd an appearance even if it's only 15 min with residuals. It's just business as usual.
Create an online personality, or use your mediocre talent and capitalize on your 15min of fame. It's an established model/platform.
Alex Jones created an empire for the gullible far right; Brilliant in concept and implementation!! It's a show folks....bring in the clowns!!
So anyone that likes Trump is now a paid shill? wow..How do you get through your day, seriously how the # do you do it?
Putting words in my mouth just shows how triggered you are at anyone that dosen't bow down to the draft dodging coward.
Perhaps a reading of this might put your mind right. #18
originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: carewemust
Ahh yes, Kanye supporting trump is so you guys can go “look, we’re not racist, he’s black!”
Forgetting completely that Kanye is an A grade dip#.
Diamond and Silk once took $7,000 to do a campaign ad for an actual white supremacist
Racist threats case filed by Stamford High student settled for $37,500
originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: BotheLumberJack
It's been 4 days since Kanye West Tweeted his support for President Trump and his actions that are making America even greater.
Yet I'm still having a hard time understanding how so many ethnic minorities (in particular) are upset over this. A stronger and more prosperous America is good for every U.S. citizen.
A California rapper on Sunday ordered local gang members to attack Kanye West over his support for President Donald Trump.
THIS is why many women and minorities are afraid to show that they support Trump. THIS is the hate that is seething from liberals.
originally posted by: Spider879
a reply to: BlueAjah
THIS is why many women and minorities are afraid to show that they support Trump. THIS is the hate that is seething from liberals.
No! many women and minorities do not support Trump, because of... ,Trump !! having this useless idiot declaring some sorta fatwa is not the reasons why, look to Trump's quotables and actions for that.
originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Cravens
So he has opinions, negative ones about George Bush.
So do 99% of the people on this site.
And I'm one of them!