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Should we believe what the dead say?

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posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 08:24 AM
I have recently been receiving messages from my Nan, who died about 7 years ago.

She has been trying to contact me through a close friend of mine who is a medium with messages and warnings.

Should I believe and/or listen to these warnings???

Could this sort of thing really happen and how does she know if something is wrong for me or not??

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 08:33 AM
Listen with your heart and you will know what to believe.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 08:34 AM
Yes, but I might be wrong....

Do the dead know about our future??? If that makes sense??

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 08:42 AM
This is really important, I need to know....

Surely someone must know something about this.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 08:44 AM
Could you tell me more about how she contacted you ? I'd like to hear more about it !

If it's really her, perhaps you should listen to her. Not that I really believe in an after-life but, who know ? Maybe the deads have the opportunity to know many things we not.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 08:46 AM
Im sorry but I just think this is silly. If your dead you cant think and your dead. Nothing more to it. Your dead.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 08:50 AM
done various communications like this (Ouija, or Automatic Writing,) they seem to claim to know, but stay vague, and look inside you, and try to extrapolate it from that. I had the "feeling" that they simply don't want to lose contact, so they tell you what you want to hear.... I wouldn't rely on this...

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 08:54 AM

My friend is a medium and goes to a spiriyual church all the time. A lady ( think who's my Nan) has contaced her about 4 times now.

At first she had a message for Elizabeth (everyone knows me as Beth) Saying that everything will be ok??

Now she's warning me and telling me to drasticly change everything in my life.

I dont understand what she could be worried about. What can she see that I cant?

[Edited on 2-7-2003 by Pocket]

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 09:00 AM
Perhaps it will hint, if there's an alternate agenda here...

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 09:02 AM
CHanging everythings in your life? Are you happy ? If yes, don't listen to her, if not, maybe you could consider *some* change. But personnaly, I wouldn't change anything in my life because a "dead" person told me to.

Probably because I don't really beleive that there's an afterlife nor that the dead can talk to us. But it's my opinion.


[Edited on 2-7-2003 by Salem]

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 09:20 AM
We Chinese believes that if a spirit wants to communicate with the living, its only because they have unfinish business and wants you to fulfill them in order to rest in peace.
See.. we believes that if a person died for a cause, they either go to heaven or hell, on the other hand if a person died because of suicide, by all means deliberately took their lifes away, they will wander in a place bewteen heaven and hell.

[Edited on 2-7-2003 by damefool]

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 09:24 AM
Nan became an alcoholic after loosing my Grandad and then had a stroke. Do you think she feels guilty and has unfinished business???

Why should she contact me now after all this time. I needed her when she fist died, I was only young. Why has she waited years??

I am happy. Sure I'd like to change a few things, but on the whole things are ok.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 09:48 AM

You must have something to say about this..... I thought you would have been one of the first

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 09:59 AM
Be careful.Members of Spiritual churches can be loonies too.These people exploit your desire to take comfort from your Nans presence.It is only by letting go and allowing her to rest will you find direction in your life.Expending energy on this fruitless path will stop you from living your life and living your life is your purpose.Let go.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:01 AM
Damn straight we should believe the Dead. I just saw them last night at Milwaukee's Summerfest. Ah, a good time was had by Freddie. I think Joan Osborne is a pleasant addition to the Dead. We had lawn seats. This girl puked right by where we were sitting. Of course, there was a nice big open space where she puked. People kept sitting there after we warned them. It was kind of funny to see the reaction when they realized where they were sitting. Oh, this isn't about the Grateful Dead??? Sorry.

[Edited on 2-7-2003 by Freddie]

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 12:07 PM
I've been busy busy..can't be here quite as much anymore.

First things first! The dead can and do speak to us, either directly or through another. They do NOT and cannot see our future..noone can see our future enough to have us make a "drastic" change, living or dead. If however, she sees that you are say, on drugs or something equally as life threatening, then this could be a reason she's suggesting a drastic change. But if you are seemingly living your life well as far as you can see..then there is no reason for her saying this.

A couple of things you need to be aware of are:
1) your friend may be receiving mixed messages, and just telling you what 'she' feels from whoever is speaking through her or to her.

2) your friend may be 'toying' with you, for some odd reason??

3)She may *think* your Nan is speaking to her, but how can she or you know for sure? She could be speaking to some dredged up demon or something..and I cannot stress this enough here on ATS-DEMONS are trixters and liars, they love to play with your mind and confuse you into making some off the wall decision about your life that could drastically change your life for the worse..or even those around you.

3)Never, ever trust someone- telling you anything- that you cannot see or hear. Would you drastically change your life if *I* told you to do so? No, I think not and I certainly hope not. Angels and or *good* spirits can be guides for us, but they would never tell you to stop what your doing and do a 360 degree turn in your life unless you were doing something horrible, in that case it wouldn't take a dead person to see that.

The best advice I can give to you or anyone else in this to go with your instincts, go with your common sense and knowledge here..if you have to question it and are that confused about it, then turn and walk away-your instincts are telling you that something here doesn't feel right and therefore you are coming here to ask us about it..but you don't really need to, because you already know within yourself that something here is wrong.

I don't know you that well and I know nothing of your friend, but it seems to me from other things you've posted, that someone is feeding you alot of confusing info about your life and especially your love life..don't rely on anyone anymore to tell you what to do about things concerning your life..receiving advice is way different then someone dictating how you should be living your life-noone can make the right choice but you..
But they can certainly make the wrong choice for you, if that is against what you would expect of yourself.

I hope this helps..if you have anymore thoughts or concerns you know I'll be happy to offer you *advice*

Take Care,

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 01:42 PM

She may *think* your Nan is speaking to her, but how can she or you know for sure? She could be speaking to some dredged up demon or something..and I cannot stress this enough here on ATS-DEMONS are trixters and liars, they love to play with your mind and confuse you into making some off the wall decision about your life that could drastically change your life for the worse..or even those around you.

And anyone who's ever had first hand experience with this kind of thing will tell you....Mag is completely correct in this respect. I won't go so far as to call them demons, but in my experience, there are certainly malevalent entities out there, who love to portray deceased relatives, or other entities, just to toy with you. I've experienced this pretty hardcore with automatic writing, and it isn't pretty....

posted on Jul, 4 2003 @ 09:18 PM
A fewmonths age, I was pretty confused about some career choices I needed to make, and my Mary kept appearing to me in my dreams.(Mary was my fiancee) We would talk about what I really wanted to do each night. After a couple of nights of that, she said that I knew what to do and left. I don't know for sure, but it sure seemed like her in every way, and she was very helpful. Too bad she couldn't have stayed longer.

posted on Jul, 4 2003 @ 09:39 PM
A wonderful answer majestica, I agree totally with your viewpoint.

Here are some ideas of my own. ....

No, the dead do not have knowledge of the future, of the past maybe, and of the present maybe, but of the future no.

Be careful about giving your will over to another person / being. Once you have decided to follow the 'advice' of another like this then you are in their power, and what you think is for good may in fact be for bad.

As mag said if its not your nan, then it can be the channeller themselves, or a demon, both are not there to help you despite their kind words and concern.

I would sit on the advice and not change anything unless I could see a good reason to do so.

[Edited on 5-7-2003 by Netchicken]

posted on Jul, 4 2003 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Pocket
I have recently been receiving messages from my Nan, who died about 7 years ago.

She has been trying to contact me through a close friend of mine who is a medium with messages and warnings.

Should I believe and/or listen to these warnings???

Could this sort of thing really happen and how does she know if something is wrong for me or not??

Do you trust both?

Come to Lily Dale...

Nan is most likely telling the truth.

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