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"March for Our Lives" speaker hoax?

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posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 07:57 PM
The timing of me starting this thread stinks, as I can't wait to discuss it with all of you but I will be unable to get to a computer for the next few days following this evening. Nonetheless, I had to put this out here because I just got off the phone with the person who told me this info and we discussed it for the second time.

I am not sure if this has been covered on ATS already, I searched a little but I don't know what search terms to use besides the name of the march. Of which there are many mentions, and a few threads, but skimming them I see no mention of this.

For source material, I guess I could turn to all of you and ask if anyone here witnessed the march firsthand? Otherwise all I have to work with is my friend's info. I am not one to post threads on ATS without careful consideration first, and I regret to say that I have no other sources, but this has been in the back of my head for weeks now since my friend told me.

My friend is a faculty member of a college in the WDC area. He said that the college has some communication/journalism majors who are on the school newspaper committee and many of them are also interns at local media outlets. Quite a few of them went to the march as interns assisting mainstream media. They all said that the major speaker at the march who was shown on the mainstream news, whom I could best describe as a woman with very short hair who appeared fairly male (in my opinion), was not at the event and certainly did not speak at the podium or on the stage or whatever sort of area they had for the speakers. I believe she was portrayed as allegedly the organizer or leader or possibly financier of the event, I can picture her in my mind from the MSM coverage. The point is, many students who were there came back to my friend and were very confused because they said no such person was seen at the march and most certainly never appeared in front of the crowd and spoke. They don't know what to make of it as the media showed this woman over and over. We had originally discussed this shortly after the event and spoke about it again tonight. The students' stories have not changed and many of them talked about it again today and continue to be mystified.

I don't know what to think, I don't own a TV and generally don't pay attention to the media, not for any sort of rebellion but rather beacuse my job and my family life keep me too busy to have time for anything else. My friend definitely sounded much more bothered and disturbed when I spoke to him tonight, compared to last time when he was sort of casually saying that the situation was odd and perhaps the media coverage got something wrong. The students seem really bothered as well. The only guess I have is that the images of the woman were shot elsewhere and mixed in with footage from the march, but for what reason, and by whom, I don't know and my friend and his students don't know.

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: therainmaker

you cannot trust anything you see, without supporting evidence.

putting in a fake leader leads the situation.. its like a coup, you just dont tell the people in attendance you stole their movement.

people should and need to be way more cynical about other people telling you what is reality. If reality is what somone else told you its their reality.. you lost your participation.. you arent involved in shaping perception to control the world and every human in it.

others get you to pay their bills by watching tide pod ads and listening to what they tell you to be..

its a cruel joke of a reality. I laugh anyway because humans are our own worst enemy.. so ... Guess we deserve it.. the controllers are too dumb to realize they controlled themselves.. and now we are all trapped in the game..

Total honesty frees you from that mess.

its nice on the outside.

edit on 23-4-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 08:04 PM
Who was the woman?

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: Nickn3
Who was the woman?

I tried to figure that out, working with limited internet speed here. Most news stories focus on odd things like "kid went to the march with his grandparents" and whatnot.

The image I recall was a woman with short hair, dressed like what we called "crust punk" 25 years ago, in a sort of punk rock looking shirt with patches on it. I admit I was in the peripheral of that crowd back in the day

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 08:30 PM
Maybe you mean the deluded child on this cover?

edit on 23-4-2018 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: The GUT

A lot of people said we were deluded in marching to "Save Our Surf" when I was in high school.
A lot of people said we were deluded to march against the Vietnam war when I was in high school.

I say, "Good on you, kids! Speak your minds."

A bunch of deluded kids? What's the problem? They'll never accomplish anything.

edit on 4/23/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
Maybe you mean the deluded child on this cover?

Marginalize the youth movements at your own peril. They can use social media and create a ground swell of 18yr olds and millennials to throw the GOP geezers out. They are smart, committed and media savy; And certainally aren't impressed with gold toilets!

I think you may be the deluded one....
edit on 23-4-2018 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
Maybe you mean the deluded child on this cover?

Ding ding ding we have a winner!!!! Emma Gonzalez!!! Photos as I remember her are easily found. Thank you!! Going to pass that on to my friend in DC.

Unfortunately I'm away from home doing training for work and I can't stay up too late, but this just blew the rabbit hole wide open and now I want to crawl inside deeper. Thank you.

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: Phage

A bunch of deluded kids? What's the problem? They'll never accomplish anything.

If they were addressing the actuality of the root problems I'd be very impressed. However, I am all-in for free speech so I certainly wouldn't try and pull a "Progressive" and shout 'em down or shut 'em out or some such.

posted on Apr, 24 2018 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: The GUT

A lot of people said we were deluded in marching to "Save Our Surf" when I was in high school.

Straw man--"save our surf" is not about limiting or removing constitutional rights of others.

A lot of people said we were deluded to march against the Vietnam war when I was in high school.

Straw man--marching against wars is not about limiting or removing constitutional rights of others.

I say, "Good on you, kids! Speak your minds."

A bunch of deluded kids? What's the problem? They'll never accomplish anything.

You're correct--apparently, the oceans are still dying, and our involvement in the Vietnam War still happened.

Oh, but something does get accomplished, though--these kids are deepening a divide in this country that really should be trying to get stitched together. These kids are spouting off many nonsensical lies and half-truths about guns and laws surrounding them, baiting the gullible into believing them. These kids are being used as tools in a much larger game by despicable adults trying to capitalize on their tragedy.

So, yes, things are getting accomplished, but in general, they are the opposite of what these kids are fighting for.

There's nothing wrong with kids speaking their minds--there is something wrong with kids speaking other peoples' minds on a national level and then being applauded as being somehow smarter than the average adult just because they're emotionally fueled and comfortably funded by outside sources. There is something wrong when these kids are allowed to skip school in order to protest. There is something wrong when a nation relies on kids to guide legislative approaches--kids led by someone who can't even get accepted into college, apparently.

Good on the kids, sure--bad on America for putting so much emphasis on their claims and arguments, though, and for being a massive enabler for such delusions of grandeur.

posted on Apr, 24 2018 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: SlapMonkey

I agree 100%. I was going to reply to Phage, glad I scrolled down you said it far better than I could have.

Anyone that doesn't see that is part of the problem. Should we listen to kids if they demand unfiltered internet, and chocolate cake for dinner? No...why, cause they are kids. Doesn't mean they can't have an opinion of course they can, but they shouldn't be used by pawns by any side left or right...or anyone for that matter.

posted on Apr, 24 2018 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: The GUT
Maybe you mean the deluded child on this cover?

Marginalize the youth movements at your own peril. They can use social media and create a ground swell of 18yr olds and millennials to throw the GOP geezers out. They are smart, committed and media savy; And certainally aren't impressed with gold toilets!

I think you may be the deluded one....

The GUT deluded?

“Hogg Wash...”

Ignore the men behind the curtain at YOUR own peril.

Discussion were better focused on the social engineers, the men behind the curtain rather than these specific incidents. To discuss cause, not effect. ~ Skyfloating

David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez are cousins apparently...

First we find out that David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez Are Cousins. Then the Parkland shooting psyop exposed Emma as an accomplished crisis actor. It was pointed out in the same exposé that a highly radioactive scandal would eventually result from this glaring psyop now known as H O G G g a t e.

However, we had no idea at that time just how much “Hogg Wash” we were really fed by the MSM. For instance, with each passing day more hard evidence is uncovered which clearly indicates that the alleged shooter Nikolas Cruz is completely innocent and was set up as a patsy.

Operation Hogg Wash Blown Wide Open

David Hogg is a great example of how the Globalists set up and use people for their agenda. In my opinion, This kids has all but sacrificed his future in America for the globalists. I am thinking this kid will probably end up committing suicide as most Americans are going to hate him and or want to kick this kids ass for trying to take away our rights.

But its clear to me the NWO set him up, and their plan with him failed. And failed badly, the opposite happened of what the NWO planned, they pushed Americans more to the 2nd amendment then away from it.

David Hogg - A Globalist Pawn

The CIA’s MKUltra mind control program launches the career of the Mockingbird Media‘s newest star—David Hogg. How does a trained crisis actor from Hollywood show up at Stoneman Douglas HS, after attending a California High School, and lead a new student gun control movement that has already changed the laws in Florida?

Answer: Deep State

OPERATION HOGG WASH: Phase I of Deep State’s Psyop to Impose Strict Gun Control Measures Nationwide

The USA has never quite seen anything like OPERATION HOGG WASH. A quick scan of the truth-seeking forums and chat rooms, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts, YouTube channels and Subreddits clearly indicates that people are hip to this Hogg Wash. They know that: OPERATION HOGG WASH: Phase I of Deep State’s Psyop to Impose Strict Gun Control Measures Nationwide

And he doesn’t even seem to know how he’s been so used to do their (read: globalist) dirty work. OPERATION HOGG WASH may very well go down in U.S. history as the false flag MCE that changed the way these government-sponsored attacks are viewed and responded to. Millions have now woken up to the these egregious scams.


There’s a much deeper and broader plan at work here which very few journalists have pursued. The single most important perspective on the Parkland false flag mass casualty event MCE) is conveyed in this exposé:

“The United States has been under the complete control of the “Very Deep State” (much deeper than Deep State) for decades.

“Operation Gladio” is well-known throughout intelligence circles and military leadership worldwide as a covert and ongoing NATO-run terrorist operation. Those intel and secret service agents, with firsthand knowledge of NATO’s many false flag terrorist attacks conducted in Europe and the United States, quietly call it the “North Atlantic Terrorist Organization”.

OPERATION GLADIO C: Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism Targets American Public Schools

The rampage across America by gun-hating liberals has been so fierce & unrelenting since the Florida shooting that their reaction alone ought to be a dead giveaway. This tragic massacre was engineered to hijack the mass shooting & use it to take assault weapons off the streets.

The barrage of assaults by the Very Deep State via Operation Gladio C are occurring so fast & furiously, they must be addressed in a decisive manner. Not to do so will seal the fate of this constitutional republic.

Operation Gladio C is fundamentally a covert military operation. The U.S. Armed Forces will be compelled to form the military tribunals necessary to administer the Uniform Code of Military Justice. As Commander-in-Chief, @POTUS can lock the perps up at Guantanamo Detention Camp. Operation Gladio C must be terminated, before it terminates US!

Mass shootings are used to terrorize the body politic into supporting draconian measures that erode national sovereignty

edit on 4.24.2018 by Murgatroid because: Felt like it...

posted on Apr, 24 2018 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

The Millennium Report

Fake news!! Believe me, very very fake.

posted on Apr, 24 2018 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: olaru12


Bottom Line: The Fake News meme is being used to attack independent media that offers an alternative take to the party line. It also happens that the fake news meme serves as a way to divide Trump supporters and critics, as well as point a finger at Russia.

Despite the deceptive language, it is clear that the establishment wants to delegitimize any independent media or opposition as simply puppets of Russia or other foreign governments. The parasite classes are then able to keep the population divided and fighting over whether or not Trump is a legitimate president or an agent of the Russians.

Bottom Line: The establishment political class, media, and corporate partners are working overtime to convince the American public that WikiLeaks, Donald Trump, and the independent media are simply pawns of the Russian government.

Conclusion: By spreading the fake news meme the elitists behind the American power centers are able to attack growing independent media icons by painting them as propagators of false Russian propaganda. The media is also using this fake news meme and Russian prop to accuse Trump of being an illegitimate president, further playing into the “Trump is an outsider” narrative. All of this is being done with the goal of keeping the domestic front as divided as possible while selling the brainwashed masses into another war.

The Establishment's Plan to Divide

The Mainstream Media Monopoly has continuously, fraudulently pushed the government’s pro-war narrative, while systematically covering up the harsher realities of these conflicts they promote, for decades, now!

But, apparently, the public is supposed to be so very clueless about these puppets and shills as to surrender any semblance of critical thinking and personal responsibility, and accept whatever they and their “experts” label as “fake news.” Ha! This is really just more proof that independent news sources are WINNING the battle for truth, and that the mainstream media is not only losing more credibility than ever, but also getting extremely desperate in their efforts to keep their disinfo-wars and psy-ops against the public raging! This is no surprise, though!

Mainstream Media Monopoly Desperately Attempts to Discredit Independent News Sources as “Fake”

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