posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 03:09 PM
... of ordinary people in the US.
I came across this survey by an outfit called Safe Home.
In this forum they asked 2,000 people about whether they had, at some point, committed various crimes both minor and major.
Their results:
Now what is more interesting are the responses to whether the criminal acts admitted to should, in fact, be illegal
Now I don't really want to debate the pros and cons to any specific issue here basically I was glad that people recognized when they were actually
breaking an existing law, at least to themselves and to a survey. But I did find it disturbing that many thought those infractions should be legal
and choose to commit the crime rather then work toward changing or modifying the law in question.
So do you think it okay to break a law, if you think it is a dumb law? ...or an inconvenient law? ... or?
What does that teach our children about respect for the law? .... or control in general?