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originally posted by: MetalThunder
On a side note anyone seen a seismograph like this one ? guam
A 5.3 magnitude earthquake shook Guam at 7:02 a.m., according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
The earthquake was centered about 38.5 miles east-southeast of Rota, at a depth of about 57.3 miles, the agency states.
The last reported earthquake was on April 29.
Former deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes was part of the Obama-era Trump unmasking and spying scandal, according to a high-placed FOX News source who said the network was planning to publish a definitive and detailed investigative exposé revealing Rhodes’ role.
But the story was killed by a high level FOX News executive who dislikes President Trump.
It would have been a major national security exclusive for FOX but instead the story was intentionally buried, sources said.
Until now.
FOX News’ Vice President of News & its D.C. bureau Managing Editor Bill Sammon is under investigation for killing stories detailing FBI corruption as well as national security exposés uncovering corruption during the Barack Obama administration, according to well-placed sources inside the network.
Sources maintain Sammon killed FOX News’ Rhodes investigative blowout too.
Shocking allegations coming from FOX News as officials probe a top executive who has reportedly allowed his anti-Trump politics to prevent the network from publishing breaking political and national security stories that would reflect positively on Trump and his administration.
Rhodes had been long rumored to be tied to the unmasking allegations. Fox officials said they had to goods proving his role beyond a rumor but the story never saw the light of day.
Obama loyalists, former national security adviser Susan Rice along with former ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power have already been pegged for their involvement in seeking requests to identify Trump insiders whose names surfaced in foreign intelligence surveillance. The duo may have leaked the intel to the media as well.
originally posted by: WhatTheory
McCain: I Gave FBI’s Comey the Bogus Trump Dossier
Sen. John McCain reportedly confirms in his upcoming book that he was the man who handed to the FBI the infamous “dossier” of unproven allegations about President Trump.
According to a report Wednesday in the Daily Beast, Mr. McCain acknowledges for the first time in his upcoming book “The Restless Wave,” that he met personally with then-FBI director James P. Comey to give him the salacious material.
Isn't McStain supposed to be dead by now.
Donald J. Trump
17m17 minutes ago
Five Most Wanted leaders of ISIS just captured!
originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: IAMTAT
I wonder if any of these 5 are the same that Obama let loose to get Bergdahl back?