posted on Apr, 18 2018 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to:
Of course we all know that a cute little play on words is in order here. Just replace U.S. with U.N. and Attorney with Secretary and we get their
But, in another universe could it be possible that Obama could be appointed US Attorney General by a FAKE Donald John Trump? Wasn't Obama following
the president around after every over seas trip countering everything the president was telling and negotiating with foreign leaders? Then, he just
suddenly stopped.
After this President Trump started mysteriously walking back on many of his campaign promises. Or, he would say one thing one day and then the next
he would contradict himself as if he were bipolar or something.
All I know is that I am not buying any of this circus, and preparing myself for the CLONE/AI WAR. WWIII FUGETABOUTIT!!!