posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 06:17 PM
The Destiny of Iran and the Moslem World by Lester Sumrall
This book has pretty much predicted our current events through biblical prophecy. As many of you may know, I am not a Christian. This book has
provided overwhelming amounts of logic mixed with extremism, but is a great book to read. I bought in a used book store about three years ago.
It's first line says, "The Russian bear stands poised like a black widow spider to pounce its unsuspecting prey, little Israel."
Recent News Articles:
It goes on to say, "Three million plus Jews are surrounded by more than 100 million hostile Arabs, most of them supported with Russian firepower."
-----Thats always been the case though.
It claims that Jihad actually was declared on the U.S. on November 4th, 1979 when our embassy was captured.
It makes interesting notes of prophesies and has been 65% accurate in my guestimation, but it is so easy to make this things. I could interpret one
thing to mean another in prophecy and it wouldn't matter.
-----------------------Has anyone read this book?-------------------------------------