posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 03:58 PM
I did a quick search and found nothing, unless I missed it so I'll go ahead and post this.
On MSNBC.COM, an article updated at -2:47 p.m. ET Feb. 16, 2005- says researchers may have discovered evidence of current life on Mars. Apparently,
there is a "methane Signature". The theory is being "peer reviewed" and may be published in NATURE this year. The first paragraph of the article
is below.
WASHINGTON - A pair of NASA scientists told a group of space officials at a private meeting here that they have found strong evidence that life may
exist today on Mars, hidden away in caves and sustained by pockets of water
This seems to be important, as it would definately place life on another planet, not just this one. It could have political and religious
signifigance. Would "Earth-Centric" beliefs go away like the Flat Earth beliefs, only to be found in small pockets? The possibility of PROVABLE
LIFE on another planet is simply astounding.
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