Welcome to the Shed SummerRain! Love that posting name and your avatar! I am so pleased to see you here! Let the pixies serve you coffee or tea or one
of their specialty pixie dust drinks. I warn you though, some of those drinks can be rather potent, but magical.
Pick out a room for yourself. You can imagine it to be whatever you wish it to be.
We have many Kingdoms to explore and experience, interesting magical creatures and beings. You can go on a grand adventure and return quickly through
the various portals throughout the Shedlands.
Or...you can just hang out with us and chat. Tell us a bit about yourself and how your day/eve is going.
Lesson learned. Do not press buttons you do not understand on boxes you do not understand when there is a power outage. Now to apologise to the
rental company.... My bad!
a reply to: LightSpeedDriver
I was almost rolling around laughing as you described your travails after pressing a random button on something you didn't understand!
I think we can all relate to that as at least once, we have all done similarly dumb things.
But yes: don't press any buttons on devices if you have no idea what they are really for. It rarely works out well.
Suggestion: in your apology or communications to/with the rental company, point out that you were tried to alleviate the problem, but the equipment
(set of buttons) was poorly labelled. Then suggest that to prevent similar issues in future, it might be beneficial to make sure that all those
buttons are clearly labelled. After all, a button that means "evacuate building" is pretty important, so it should be clearly shown that
this is what it's for!
IOW, you give them a gentle, sideways reminder that ultimately, if there is a real problem and anyone in their rented building suffers any loss due to
inadequate labelling (ie, due to their negligence in not making sure there is good labelling), then they could be held liable in a court
of law -- because they have a "duty of care".
In virtually any "Western" country, there are laws in place about this "duty of care", and it invariably applies in cases of rented accommodation.
I can help you here, 'Raine. After all, line editing etc is my field of expertise.
You wrote:
How are you Mate? Or is that mate?
The "mate" is not capitalized unless it is the person's proper name, so it should read: "How are you, mate?" (And please note the comma.)
However, if you are addressing an Aussie, it's far better to use what most Aussies really say. It's written, "How are you going, mate?", but it's said
as if it were, "Owyagoin', mate?"
The standard response is: "Orright,mate. Owaryou?" ("All right, mate. How are you?")
To which you reply, "Umorrite, mate." ("I'm all right, mate.")
edit on 19/7/18 by JustMike because: of a typo. Duh!
a reply to: pheonix358
Great to see you here, mate.
I really appreciate you inviting me and Dada into your home when we were in Oz.
It was so good to talk to you. Did you know that you were the first "ATSer" I'd ever met "in real life"?
And mate, all those models you've made... They are brilliant. You really should do some photos and post them, if you've not done so already.
I'm missing you, mate. You were so good to us, and especially so understanding of Dada and her disease. I really appreciate that and I'm very grateful
to you.
a reply to: Autorico
I don't mind turbulence, and I've seen some pretty horrendous examples of it in the past 42 years or so of international flying.
I just do what they recommend: I have my seat belt done up all the time when I'm seated. All-the-time, just as they recommend. So even when
other passengers were being thrown out of their seats by "clear-air turbulence", I was absolutely fine. In 42 years of flying, I have twice witnessed
passengers being hurled into the air from their seats, because they were not strapped in.
Ok, it only happens relatively rarely, but the seat belts are there for a reason.
In other words, it's far better to use them, than not.
I love flying. I've done at least 7 ultra-long-haul flights (like 20,000 km each way) and maybe 30 short-haul (under 3 hrs) flights, and never
(personally) had a problem.
As long as you follow the standard guidelines, flying is by far the safest way to travel.
If the plane goes through some turbulence, don't worry. The aircraft is designed to take it, so as long as you do what they recommend and stay
strapped in, it's not going to be an issue.
Thanks for the help Mike, but...you really think I'm going to remember that? LOL!
Hey, no fair, you get to know what the mysterious Pheonix looks like. Is he really a wolf or a dragon? Inquiring minds want to know.
Great to see you today Hun! I tried to sit out on the porch and finish your book, but the sweat was just pouring off of me. I'm on chapter 25 I
Dear Mike I read this, this morning and have contemplated a proper reply. But there are no proper words, forgive me.
I am so sorry Dada is fairing so ill. I recall how high your hopes were for the new environment.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you, for strength, in these days that must seem endless and may prove to last for a long time. You are a truly
courage's and compassionate being.
Hugs from WIS.
As a side note I was so happy to "see" you.
Hello Wise woman of the Shed! Lovely to see you tonight. I was hoping you would show up. Did you swim with the dogs today and have time to enjoy
*waves at everyone*
Went up to Pennsboro, West Virginia this past Saturday to the Boston Family Gas Engine Festival with a couple friends. After spending about two hours
walking about at the festival and watching a helicopter land there. We went off in search of the ever elusive train along the Ohio River Subdivision.
What else can I say other than we actually found a train that was moving.
After intercepting this guy as we came into Saint Marys, West Virginia. We tried to make a bee line north to find a spot somewhere around Paden City
or Sistersville. Didn't make it that far as we found our first spot just north of the Saint Marys Correctional Center. Here we are perched on the
parking lot of the Raven Rock United Methodist Church as eastbound manifest Q316-13 rolls towards a stop at New Martinsville, West Virginia.
Once we got Q316 at Bens Run Siding, yes Bens Run is an actual place, and at Sistersville, West Virginia. We did what every right minded pizza lover
would do when they are around New Martinsville, West Virginia. Had to make that traditional stop at PJ's Pizza along Route 2 just as you come into
town. If you guys are ever around New Martinsville and are in the mood for pizza. Skip Pizza Hut, skip Domino's, skip Papa Johns and make sure to stop
at PJ's. You won't regret it... trust me, you certainly won't regret it!
After having our traditional dinner from PJ's while watching the tow boats and barges go through the lock chambers at Hannibal Lock & Dam. We decided
to be bop back over to Brooklyn Junction just to see what was going on. Just as we got over to the yard. We caught one of the yard jobs switching out
some cars that had just been brought in by the same manifest that we chased up the Ohio River.
As we were watching the yard job kick the cars into the proper cuts for the locals that are based out of Brooklyn Junction. The yardmaster came over
the radio asking the yard job if they could shove in the clear so he could get a train lined in the yard. After the yard job had shoved back and got
clear of the yard lead/mainline. Westbound local Y116-13 comes back into Brooklyn Junction after working Axiall Chemical at Natrium and CertainTeed
Roofing at Proctor, West Virginia.
On the way back down to hit the interstate at Parkersburg on our way home. We had got word that one of the largest river boats currently in operation
on any navigable river in the continuous 48 states was on its way toward us. Here we see the "American Queen" trudging its way north along the Ohio
River just upstream from New Matamoras, Ohio.
I've also been having a blast this week where my niece and nephew have been out of school for the summer. They have been staying over here at the
house almost every night since school let out around the first of June. Took them on a picnic to Dunbar City Park yesterday so that they could play on
the large playground there and eat under one of the new picnic shelters that the city built. Tomorrow/later today, I plan on making some cheeseburgers
just to see how they like the ones I make.
Another thing I did manage to do was actually catch a train working the yard at South Charleston. Russell, Kentucky to Richmond, Virginia road
switcher H750 is seen dropping cars off at South Charleston on Wednesday.
Anyway, it is time to wind down with some tunes before going to bed.....
Taking of seatbelts, I have a friend with a car who refuses to wear his until he sees a police car in the vicinity. (They fine you if they see it) Me
being the curious kind, I ask him why. He starts citing various instances people have fared better in an accident because they weren't wearing one. I
cite the thousands of instances where people have been literally saved by the belts but he's a stubborn know-it-all sometimes.
I can't wait till he has a child or two and finally grows up a little and takes some responsibility for himself and others he cares about. I thought
him getting married recently might change things but apparently it was only a civil partnership. If I drive a car, all passengers wear their belts or
they exit the car before I start driving. The driver of the vehicle can be fined when occupants are not wearing their belts.
A different friend went out drinking with a group of friends with a BOB. (Bewust Onbeschonken Bestuurder, a TV campaign here in Holland for road
safety. I think they call it a designated driver in English. Someone that accompanies a group of friends on their night out but remains completely
sober.) 10 minutes before it's time for the group to go home, BOB decides to leave without a word. My friend was left with a choice while standing
there with 3 other drunken friends. Call a taxi, or drive home himself. He made the wrong choice and they all jumped in the car and he drove home.
Less than a mile from home, he goes round a corner and in his own words "One of the passengers says I'm driving a bit fast round the corner..."
He hit a street-light head on. A sturdy one. Normally the front of a car look like ------- His car now looked like ----u--- All the airbags went off
and the only thing that saved them from further injury were the belts. The car was a total-loss (too expensive to repair the damage, he was going 50
mph I'm guessing. Bits of the engine were wrecked), the police came, he was charged with drink driving and learned his lesson the hard way. It cost
him 2 years and 5000 euros in costs to become a regular driver again. He walked away with no injuries but suffered panic attacks (and a fair bit of
guilt I reckon) for a year or two afterwards, went on anti-depressants for a while, etc, etc. He apologised to the parents of his friends personally.
(Quite honourable imho) They all told him the same thing. "What you made was a silly mistake but we are just glad our children are still alive." He
and the group were in the young 20's age. I think he will never forget that hard-earned lesson.
I've been BOB a couple of times for friends. I have a 1 beer limit when driving and never deviate from it when driving friends. One guy I took to a
rock concert with his girl but told them firmly that I will sit in the car and wait until it is finished. After about an hour the guy comes running
back to the car and tells me how great it is and that I should come inside. I politely refuse. If I go in there I will drink and that's not what I
came here to do because I am the driver. He goes back inside and enjoys himself some more and after another hour or so they both come back and I drive
us all home. They had a great time and I liked helping them, then I start drinking.
My plans for the day have changed. I had planned on an interview with an organization that helps folks like me to get back on their feet. They have
everything from assistance in filing Social Security, job training, transportation to work and medical appointments, counseling and much more.
I've been waiting several months for this day to come but my day has been canceled. Their driver got "pulled away" and can't pick me up.
Now I wait, now I wait, now I wait some more.
The results of my MRI are in. I have a fracture or two in ankle bones that have not heal properly from a previous fall. I'm now wearing an
orthopedic boot that makes me feel like I'm an astronaut bouncing around on the Moon when I walk. The suspected torn ligaments in my ankle are going
to require out-patient surgery sometime next month if the insurance approves of course.
In other news, dad is being a pain in the backside as he wants to know too much information about my like. What I do outside of this house is none of
his business. I made that point clear with him.
I see that I have several pages of Shed to get caught up on. Back to work then.