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The story of the Gaza border protest

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posted on Apr, 8 2018 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: MaxMech

The terrorists watched the tunnels being destroyed one by one, along with the millions of dollars which were invested in them.

Millions of dollars that these morons could have spend on infrastructure or food for their people. Too bad war is so important to Hamas...definitely more important than the lives of the people.

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: okrian

Illegal occupation. Simple as that.

But this is the thing, Israel is not occupying and doesn't have any claims for Gaza. There are no Israeli forces/civilians in Gaza.

If another country came rolling in here (with the help of some powerful friends), claimed it was god's will and started killing our citizenry, annexing our land, limiting our access to food, controlled who came and went, etc. would you fight back?

Maybe I would. But what does it have to do with anything. I think you are confusing Gaza with the West Bank. Gaza strip was Egyptian territory and they gave it up:

The Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty, signed on March 26, 1979, created an officially recognized international border along the 1906 line, with Egypt renouncing all claims to the Gaza Strip.

Then, Israel also gave it up:

While Israel has expressed desire to annex the border settlement blocs and keep East Jerusalem, its border with Gaza has largely been solidified, especially following Israel's withdrawal in 2005. Israel has not made claims to any portion Gazan territory and offered the entire area to Palestinians as part of the 2000 Camp David Summit.

It would be tough though cause remember that the occupying country also has no global repercussion and for the most part controls the media coverage of the situation.

Not sure what do you mean by this. International and domestic reporters have absolute freedom in Israel.
In Gaza they are harassed and threatened by Hamas:

The Foreign Press Association:
The FPA protests in the strongest terms the blatant, incessant, forceful and unorthodox methods employed by the Hamas authorities and their representatives against visiting international journalists in Gaza over the past month. The international media are not advocacy organisations and cannot be prevented from reporting by means of threats or pressure, thereby denying their readers and viewers an objective picture from the ground. In several cases, foreign reporters working in Gaza have been harassed, threatened or questioned over stories or information they have reported through their news media or by means of social media. We are also aware that Hamas is trying to put in place a "vetting" procedure that would, in effect, allow for the blacklisting of specific journalists. Such a procedure is vehemently opposed by the FPA.
August 15th, 2014

edit on 9-4-2018 by MaxMech because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 08:58 AM
Palestinian authority's religious adviser slams Hamas for sending civilians to die for media coverage:

edit on 9-4-2018 by MaxMech because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2018 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: MaxMech

Well that's a bit dishonest. Over the years thousands of rockets were fired on Israeli civilian population from Gaza.

Whataboutisms, what would we do without them? So they could have had rockets on that field or what's your point, collective punishment for last years missile rain?
I see. And shooting rockslingers must be part of this genius plan not to solve the issue peacefully? You're doing good thus far, carry on!

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

Whataboutisms, what would we do without them? So they could have had rockets on that field or what's your point, collective punishment for last years missile rain?

You quoted me saying "stop the aggression and let Israel to exist". This was said in the context of how to end the blockade on Gaza.
You answered with sarcasm: "Israels existence is somehow threatened by dissidents with rocks on a slingshot".
To which I answered that the blockade is not designed to fight rock slingers but to prevent Hamas acquiring the means to do real damage to Israel. This is the point. It has nothing to do with current border protest.
People are getting shot because they are trying to illegally cross the border to Israel. More specifically, they are getting shot because Hamas offers them money for being shot.

And shooting rockslingers must be part of this genius plan not to solve the issue peacefully?

No, it's part of the plan of defending Israel's borders.
How a peaceful solution is possible when Hamas rejects negotiations and vows to continue to fight until Israel is destroyed? Serious question.

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: MaxMech

People are getting shot because they are trying to illegally cross the border to Israel.

So you admit that this is Israels DDR moment?

Hamas offers them money for being shot.

Skip the conspiracy delusions for a second, can you imagine that people are willing to get shot for free(dom)?

How a peaceful solution is possible when Hamas rejects negotiations and vows to continue to fight until Israel is destroyed? Serious question.

Colour revolution. Install a less sociopathic gubmint for starters and make the one state solution work without segregation. Not because it's an easy thing, but because it's hard.

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

So you admit that this is Israels DDR moment?

Sorry, you will need to explain what "DDR" stand for.

Skip the conspiracy delusions for a second, can you imagine that people are willing to get shot for free(dom)?

"conspiracy delusions", seriously?! You need to check your cognitive dissonance pal.

In a statement, the group (Hamas) said it would support the “family of each martyr” with $3,000, while those seriously wounded would receive $500.

Colour revolution. Install a less sociopathic gubmint for starters and make the one state solution work without segregation. Not because it's an easy thing, but because it's hard.

One state solution would mean a majority Muslim country. Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish state, and basically loose everything without gaining anything. Why on earth would the Israelis agree to this?

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: MaxMech

Sorry, you will need to explain what "DDR" stand for.

That explains a lot.

One state solution would mean a majority Muslim country. Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish state, and basically loose everything without gaining anything. Why on earth would the Israelis agree to this?

Freedom of religion is so Peace of Westphalia 1650ies, you're late to the party already. Barbarians...

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: PublicOpinion
a reply to: MaxMech

Sorry, you will need to explain what "DDR" stand for.

That explains a lot.

One state solution would mean a majority Muslim country. Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish state, and basically loose everything without gaining anything. Why on earth would the Israelis agree to this?

Freedom of religion is so Peace of Westphalia 1650ies, you're late to the party already. Barbarians...

I am going to assume by DDR you are also referring to GDR or the German Democratic Republic, aka former East Germany, and by extension, the fall of the Berlin Wall. Or I could be way off base...we'll never know unless you clarify.

BTW, the entire Middle East isn't exactly known as a hotbed of religious freedom, but it seems that Israel is the only country there that would be destroyed by it since the majority religious persuasion of that area has openly declared their intentions to destroy Israel. I understand that this is a sweeping statement, but if you do a head count of the people who wish the destruction of Israel in the Middle East, they will greatly outnumber the Israeli population....

FYI, a little less condescending and a little more debating would do wonders.

edit on 10-4-2018 by BomSquad because: can't spell today...

edit on 10-4-2018 by BomSquad because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2018 by BomSquad because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 02:15 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

That explains a lot. Freedom of religion is so Peace of Westphalia 1650ies, you're late to the party already. Barbarians...

Both cryptic, and condescending. You must be fun at parties.
If you are not interested in a discussion then what's the point?

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: BomSquad

FYI, a little less condescending and a little more debating would do wonders.

That's what I thought about the OP, and it only went downhill from there. Mirror, mirror on the wall...

by DDR you are also referring to GDR

Precisely. Kudos to you! Their "Mauerschützen" shot the people for trying to get out as well, a very Stasi_esque part of history repeating itself.
Our OP ignored this part completely btw. Makes one wonder why, doesn't it?

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

That's what I thought about the OP, and it only went downhill from there. Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Really don't appreciate passive aggression. If you think there was something wrong with my statements, tell me about it and let's debate it out. No need for that "mirror" bs...

Our OP ignored this part completely btw. Makes one wonder why, doesn't it?

Ignored because didn't understand what you mean, and you refused to explain.
The difference is, by the way, that in the latest protests people are not trying to leave, but to enter (Israel).

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: MaxMech

While I disagree with the posters statement - see UK news coverage of Israeli Occupation for example and allusion to Jewish media conspiracy it's completely false to state Israel doesn't infere with the Press when the IDF routinely assasinate journalists, harras/raid newspaper offices, and close down press organisations (last year Israel wasa closing Al-Hurriya while it's editor had been kidnapped and held by PA. Theyve spent the last year trying to close Al Jazera down after attempts to censor it failed.

While PA/Hamas treatment is generally even worse, and journalists are safe from the public or police is Israel, Israel/Palestine is one of the most lethal and censored countries in the press index, millitary censorship and gag orders (some understandable, some like 'Prisoner X' are horrific/barbaric) are in place as are the restrictions on freedom of movement/travel restrictions placed on journalists.

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: bastion

I see your point, but there are many half truths here.

IDF routinely assasinate journalists

This is not true. Journalists die in war zones all over the world. This region is no different, but there is nothing routine about a death of a Journalist in Israel. If you are regarding to the indecent on Gaza border, then you need to tell the whole story strait. This guy flew a drone over IDF forces which were explicitly prohibited as this tactic is is used as a weapon by Hamas. Like all the other causalities in these protests, he willingly ignored IDF warnings.

Regarding Al-Hurriya. This Radio station was openly encouraging violent actions and terror. They praised Omar al-Abed on air, and this guy is no freedom fighter. He butchered a whole family in their home, with a knife. Yes, the station was closed but you need to understand that Palestinian news outlets operate in a vert different matter than they do in your country. Inciting violence is their bread and butter.

Regarding Al Jazera. Unlike Jordan and Egypt, Israel didn't closed the local Al Jazeera office, though there was such a suggestion from right-wing politicians after the network instigated violence when falsely reported that Israel is trying to prevent from Muslims to pray in Al-Aqsa mosque. The calls to close the local Al Jazeera office increased when they aired a false testimony of woman that said she killed Palestinian children during IDF service. This testimony turned out to be just a a scripted part of a Ukrainian TV show Source. The amount of outrage and violence caused by just this "reporting" is unmeasurable. Despite all this, the Israeli Al Jazeera office stands in place. But I would really avoid calling them "press".

Regarding the press index. Israel is indeed in a bad 91th place (out of 180). it used to be 40 but the situation gotten worse after the the government changed. This is still a lot better than all of Israel's neighbors, including Palestine.

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