posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to:
Indeed I possibly am,
However when you have it confirmed that they are using everything you put on there for "their" own gains and it is causing massive social issues and
mental health problems I struggle to see how anyone can argue at this point that it is anything but a social experiment that has totally gone out of
Suicides, Lynchings, mental health problems of many guises to name just a few impacts and because the human Ego wants to impress others.
Tip of the iceberg??
Luckily the younger generation are either leaving FB in droves or are simply bypassing it, if you want to stay in contact with people anywhere in the
world there are copious apps that do it for free and all you need is a phone and number, not a platform that is constantly pushing for more and more
personally data..
How many people are in prison for a off the cuff comment made on FB, it should ring alarm bells that you cannot erase data that you put on there..
Someones views at 18 will more than likely be very different by the time they are 30 yet the contents is still there stored forever to used..
If people are happy to continue using it then great go for it but know that everything can and will be used against you if it is needed to be...
EDIT:: Out of respect I removed the comment as it was something I could not justify or substantiate (Peace in the middle east)......
edit on 4-4-2018 by slider1982 because: (no reason given)
edit on 4-4-2018 by slider1982 because: (no reason