posted on Apr, 1 2018 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to:
I'm left of center and I think this assignment was way off base!!! so, no, this one teacher, doesn't not represent the entire left...
to me, being liberal means you are allowed to think for yourself, that there's no authoritarian, not your husband, not the church, not the big wigs in
the gov't should be able to tell you what to think, or defend a position that you don't believe in yourself. the assignment, as described in the op,
seems to be telling the students what position they should be taking, regardless of what they thought, and try to defend that position... lie in
other words! they are not being given a chance to express their own views freely.. weather or not I think the views they might express are wrong is
irrelevant, because they will never be expressed... what is being sought is an echo chamber where all views expressed are cohesive and in tune with
each other while underlying it all is a bunch of probably angry people who are pretending to be what they think everyone wants them to be. and there
is nothing "liberal" or liberating about it! there can be no growth, nothing new being presented under such a framework.. so it isn't really that
"progressive" either. just stagnation and delusions.