The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
Dear readers,
First at all, I didn't come to this forum with a vague earthquake predictions on Colombia, I brought precise forecasts locating the event in very
specific regions within that land, as well as in time line, so there is no random guessing at all here.
Frankly I have not seen here others predictions of similar or better level of accuracy in spite of the remarks posted here by others that claim to be
able to do so, I would be happy to see them honestly, it might be pretty interesting.
The earthquake felt in Caldas, Quindio and Tolima on April 23th of this 2018, weeks after this thread was opened reached 6.2 of magnitude, it was the
strongest registered in that region in Decades.
Just for the record Colombia is a country that is not the size of Rhode Island or Connecticut but larger than Egypt, almost the size of SouthAfrica or
twice as large as Texas, so we are talking about a relatively large country.
Furthermore, this thread had pointed precisely the two points where it has had important seismic events in this 2018, in the Quindio Mountains Chain,
where the city of Manizales is located, and in the Sumapaz Mountains Chain, even had predicted the cities where were going to be affected by this last
one: Sta Fe de Bogota and Ibague.
Last time that an earthquake of this magnitude was felt in some point of Colombia was about two years ago and not in that same region but in
Antioquia, to the northwest of the country. Before that there was in the border with Ecuador.
Please check:
In 1985 an earthquake of magnitude 5.5 devastated the city of Popayan in Cauca department, so it is not just the magnitude but the depth what
determines the extend of the damages that can cause.
It is very imprecise the statement that the whole Colombia is extremely seismic, there are regions of the country located in the Amazon plains, the
Guayana highlands and the Orinoco prairies that are extremely stable geologically and an earthquake is really rare to happen there.
There is no such a thing like a Colombian place with important seismic activity occurring every week or even every year. Before the earthquake
correctly predicted on April of this year, the last time that there was an earthquake going above magnitude 6 in the department of Quindio was by
January 25th of 1999 and the last time in Caldas was in July 30th of 1962.
So we are talking about events occurring in the same region separated by time of 19 years or 56 years respectively, so if anybody wants to judge the
accuracy of this thread at least do it with real statistics and not just bold empty claims.
The earthquake of 1999 in Quindio with magnitude 6.3 caused 1185 fatalities and the one of 1962 in Aransazu Caldas with magnitude 6.8 at least 50.
The earthquake felt in Bogota and Ibague on July 19th, in the vespers of the Independence day of Colombia, was originated in the department of Huila,
in the same region that was epicenter of the devastating one of 1967.
This thread has not been created to spread false alarms, to the contrary serves to warn the people of good will of what is coming on time, allowing
them to be at least prepared to try to survive and well I don't expect it may even worry other kind of people of course unfortunately.
Finally what I believe or not about God it is my business, excuse me it is not yours, this is a free country and religious freedom is a fundamental
of our democracy, ATS is a space devoted to defend precisely freedom of consciousness.
The Angel of Lightness
edit on 7/25/2018 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)