posted on Mar, 22 2018 @ 10:36 AM
I hope it was obvious I was just kidding in my previous post.
Ironically, I actually have less of a problem with the Mormon church than I do with some other churches and organized religion in general. Having
done a fair amount of research into the history of the church (growing up in WY and going to college in UT), some of their traditions are at least
consistent with their history. The Mormon church doesn't get a pass though either, and certainly not the fundamentalist Mormons (who are outright
sick in my book).
Probably the biggest detractors of the Mormon church are those who mock the whole Joseph Smith thing with the golden plates and the sacrilege of what
they perceive as the re-writing of the Bible. Frankly, to me, this is almost laughable when one considers the Bible itself wasn't written for a
couple hundred years after Christ. These same people immediately discount the Mormons based almost solely upon this, which is pretty hypocritical it
seems to me.
Almost all organized religions are based almost solely on fear. At least the Mormons take a bit of the edge off this with the family values angle,
and they do have a fairly clean lifestyle on a day to day basis. Some of the inner workings of the church are a bit bizarre (the Temple wedding
ritual thing chief among these), but the genealogy compilation is pretty staggering when one looks at it for what it is, Mormon or not.
From a business perspective they're pretty cliquish, certainly in UT anyway, but I guess it makes sense when again one looks back into their history
back to the time when Brigham Young made the declaration 'this is the place' in what had previously been essentially a wasteland in the Wasatch
valley. One huge prop I give to the church is the layout of SLC. It is hands down one of the best laid out cities in the US! Armed with a simple
address a person can find absolutely any place in Salt Lake. Yeah, it's all centered around the church, but it sure works well.
They also got the whole girl thing right, that's for sure! Mormon girls are some of the prettiest women on planet Earth in my book (and no, I didn't
marry one. Close though). Guys, not so much.
All in all, I don't know, I can certainly think of worse.