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interesting janet flight plan

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posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 05:50 PM
so im new to the forum but have been reading a lot lately. recently started randomly watching janet flights. my interest in the subject is just curiosity of cool new technology and planes. i like aviation and technology essentially lol.

heres janet with departing to KTNX with what looks like a 29 palms mccrn5 departure. oviously they dont fly the whole procedure but he does turn off his flight plan.

im very aware lots of people have seen this. i just never saw it live and got excited and figured itd be a good first thread

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: detachment3

You may have wanted to post this in the Aircraft Section as all those members know TONS about what's normal for a Janet flight plan, and what's not.

s&f anyways!

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 07:04 PM
I don't see that there is anything out of the ordinary here. Sorry. Just another Janet flight that happens every day.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: detachment3

You should also always explain in a sentence or two what you're topic actually is to readers that may have no clue and don't want to Google it or have to ask you to explain.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: prevenge

Here are a couple of resources for aircraft tracking.

Airnav has approach and departure documents. You can get them on FAA websites, but airnav is far easier.

Sectionals are just maps for a given air sector. In the dark ages you bought them as a printed document. Today you can use skyvector.

The first online aircraft tracking started with a FAA feed. Once ADSB became popular, uncensored tracking became possible. First on boxes attached to computers, then hacked digital TV dongle, plus networked aggregations of these devices.
online tracking

The best for Groom Lake was Passur. The service mysteriously was dropped from the Las Vegas area when the powers that be found military flights being tracked.


NOTAMs are notices to airmen. They are a good source of upcoming events.

The airplane forum would probably be bored with tracking JANET aircraft. Better to post them on the Area 51 forum.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 09:11 PM
This is what I have running all the time in a browser tab:
Click on Global Radar View, and center and zoom it so you have the entire NTTR in the left window.
Under Menu/Options/Filter I have a filter "Operator Code Contains JANET"
Turn on Aircraft Trails for all aircraft
This gives you real-time (or near real-time) Janet flight info.
I wish the reports worked though.
edit on 20-3-2018 by FosterVS because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: gariac

I'm into aviation, I did ground school but never followed through with flying lol. So I know what notams are n what not.

I realized afterwards. it looks like they just plotted out the departure on then flight plan. At first I thought they were going out to 29 palms which insaw some where had some questionable stuff. Don't remember what but the place sounded familiar.

I'm still trying to figure out some of the forums. Ill be on here more. Recently got into collecting black ops and special ops challenge coins through some friends. What's the really top secret section? Do I have to pay for it or something? Just curious.

Thanks fostervs I'll definitely check that out.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: detachment3

I don't think anything on ATS is really secret, let alone top secret. Most of what you see is either OSINT or fiction. There is some FOUO. The government over-classifies. The joke is they mark it secret so that staff will read it.

Regarding ADSBexchsnge, use the military filter. That will get JANETs plus military aircraft.

The deal with the JANET flights is those at 14kft and 15kft are the Groom Flights. All planes file to KTNX (Tonopah Test Range). The flights to Groom change frequency and callsign to enter Groom Lake. The frequencies are secret, but the VHF ones are easily found by bandscanning. The callsign changes monthly. The idea is to decouple the JANET flight ID from the Groom flight, but it is basically a joke. Groom flights will squawk in the format of 033x, where X is any digit. Since the ADSB isn't changing, altering the squawk is silly, but rules are rules.

Occasionally you will see flights from KTNX to KTNX. Normally that would be a round robbin, that is what you would see at a flight school. Depart and land at the same airport. In the case of the NTTR, these are flights between Groom and the TTR. Sometimes they will designate Groom as KTKM.

posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 11:41 PM
link is another good site.

I used to run this when working at home. It was amazing to realize that the distant contrail at the horizon was an aircraft 100km away. The funny thing was seeing two aircraft with the same transponder ID. Then the location would appear to ping pong between two flight paths.

posted on Mar, 21 2018 @ 12:14 AM
a reply to: stormcell

Fr24 is censored. However they get the flight routing from the FAA, so in some respects it is more useful, assuming the flight isn't blocked.

There are two ways to block the tracking of your flight on the internet under the FAA BARR program. (Mind you this blocking was added by the GOP because VIPs, AKA elite contributors, didn't like being tracked.) One method is to file with the FAA to stay off the internet feed. In theory, any company using the FAA feed that also supplements with a network of ADSB receivers will not track aircraft that isn't on their FAA feed. It is probably part of the agreement. You can file a FOIA for the aircraft on the FAA blocking list. It changes monthly and the FAA isn't allowed to maintain data on the old lists. (Kind of like passing the gun background check but no registration.) The other means is to file with each tracking site. I assume ADSBexchange gets such requests but doesn't obey them.

[url=]BARR[/ url]

Many companies use cut outs to hide the identity of the owner. One means is set up a LLC with fake board members. Illegal in most states, but there is no enforcement. The FBI and CIA likes this method. Another means is to register the plane as being owned by the maintenance firm. Rush Limbaugh uses this scheme.

posted on Mar, 22 2018 @ 01:34 AM
wow all really cool information! thanks guys!!

posted on Mar, 22 2018 @ 11:12 PM
after looking at the ADS-B website with military filter. i notice some planes disappear not long after take off and some dont start tracking from there start airport. is this the ADS-B network or the military just trying to make sure people cant track them? i havent really looked a lot at civilian stuff. i also noticed something probably mis labeled. A "plane" took off out of a base in alabama flew low and circled around. looked at the base and theres no runways, just choppers everywhere. is this common? im not trying to complain about it, i love this cool tool, im just trying to see what i need to watch for and ignore, ya know?

posted on Mar, 30 2018 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: FosterVS
This is what I have running all the time in a browser tab:
Click on Global Radar View, and center and zoom it so you have the entire NTTR in the left window.
Under Menu/Options/Filter I have a filter "Operator Code Contains JANET"
Turn on Aircraft Trails for all aircraft
This gives you real-time (or near real-time) Janet flight info.
I wish the reports worked though.

A slight correction - it you add a filter for "Military" it also shows the JANET flights.

posted on Mar, 30 2018 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: detachment3

Filters shouldn't effect tracking.

Regarding planes just popping up, two possible scenarios. One, the plane had ADSB but there is no receiver that detected it taking off. Departure is a low altitude event, well at least at the start. Once it is high enough, then the plane can be detected. Second, the plane does not have ADSB. The plane will only appear if a sufficient number of planes are in the air to perform MLAT.

There are always planes in the air with defective ADSB systems. Bad codes, busted GPS, etc. I see planes flying over mountains that are at GND level.

Las Vegas was recently surveiled by bad MODE-S code 520278. It is one of the Air Cerberus spooky planes.

Air Cerberus

Air surveillance

I'm really surprised ATS never did a Mode-s ADSB forum.


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