posted on Mar, 20 2018 @ 01:43 PM
I have a very specific "memory" of a period of my life that is extremely blurry and as I think of it, I can't remember it as being real, but it
seems as if I have had many dream sessions of it that have merged into my existing memory as if it were real. It's difficult to explain but it
started coming back with things reminding me of a situation that I suddenly recalled clearly but when I examined it, I realized that it never
happened, couldn't have happened and had to have originated in a dream. The thing is that I do recall dreaming about this topic a few times,
feeling really strange afterwards, and then having "triggers" that make me remember the dream as if it were real.
The memory is about a short period of my life when I just moved to a new place where I had lived before a few years prior. I don't confuse the time
periods as I was totally different between the two periods of time (think college/party vs professional setting). I always went to the same gym while
there, both times, and then I have memories of going to a totally different gym (about 35 mins away vs the gym 2 mins away - would NEVER do that..).
This dream/memory all focuses around this gym and my going there, seeing co-workers & other people I know, but I know I've never been to the gym
other than stopping in once. The thing is that I have maybe 6-10 distinct memories of specific interactions at this gym that I know were not in real
life. It feels like I am watching it or remembering it through someone else eyes/memory or it was a different/parallel life.
This memory goes on to have interactions with the gym (phone, email, etc) after I moved away, but I have no record of it. aa
So I have memories of going to the gym I always went to, the first time I lived there and the second time (I had family who went there) and I can't
ever see why I would go so far out of my way for the gym when the prices were basically the same. I've tried to think if it was because of a friend
going there or anything and can't think of any good reason and it would have cost $1 each way in addition to the drive. Just makes no sense.
Another odd thing is that there is a bridge where I lived that I remember driving at least 2x a day (usually 4-8x a day to & from work, gym, lunch,
shopping) and I remember the bike riders often walking their biked up the bridge b/c it was steep (tall arch over inter coastal water way) and I
though I'm glad I didn't have to do that. Then I remember looking out over the island at the top, down to the south end. It was very memorable and
clear, I even remember the music I would play in the car driving over - it was a very memorable period of my life. Now I look at the bridge (first on
a map) on the island's website & pics of it, and it isn't arched. It might be slightly but this was very tall, so sail boats could go underneath. I
seem to be one of the only people who remembers it arched but when I mention some specific times, other people have said "I remember that too!
That's really weird!" - meaning they remember it being arched when I mention a specific incident, or event, but otherwise they remember it as "it
is now"..
So this whole living at this place seems kind of mysterious and has either played tricks on my memory or my dreams have been very active/vivid. The
thing is I NEVER dream about real life things like this, at least never more than once or twice and it always has wacky, skewed things that are much
more unsettling, where this memory/dream is so mundane and boring - not at all normal for my dreaming - which is another very odd aspect of this if
the orgin is from dreams (and I rarely remember dreams..).
Anyone else ever experience something like this or have any idea of what may possibly explain what is happening? I've considered that I've confused
this place with somewhere else, but this place was so unique to other places I've lived that it makes no sense as they are not similar at all.
Driving the same road/bridge for 7 months, many times a day, is long enough to establish a decent memory I would hope - as I have strong memories of
places I've only been once (and when I return I remember very well like ski slopes on a mountain...).
I dunno.