a reply to:
Once there was no constitutions or amendments.
Great thing about such things is they can be changed to fit the situation and times.
I mean those rights were granted in a different era, in different circumstances.
Hot on the heels of wars of independence, civil or whatever, under monarchy rule.
2018 U.S of A is not the same as 1700's U.S of A
Plus I don't need a piece of paper written a couple of hundred years ago to authorize me to defend myself.
Thankfully there are many ways to skin a cat.
So owning and using a gun is not the only form of defense available to me.
Basically I can defend myself, but with a reasonable amount of force. Not an excessive one.
(If I campaigned the government to legalize land mines so I could mine my yard. Would it be okay because the law said it was or would you think that
was insane regardless of legality?)
And I can kind of feel good that the methods I would use to defend myself and my loved ones are low risk of unintentionally killing them.
No risk of the kids accidentally shooting their siblings. Accidentally shooting them because I heard them sneaking home in the middle of the night.
I can send my kids to school knowing the risk of a gunman shooting the place up are almost non-existent.
During road rage it's more likely to end in a bit of a beating, me or them not death.
Sure I feel much of the U.S gun culture like many things is one of indoctrination. Nature Vs. Nurture. But hey when in Rome. My opinion is just that
an opinion. It has no baring on your laws and 'rights'.
I just think you people need to reassess your 'rights' a bit more thoroughly, think on the day and age we live in.
Not saying ban guns, changing an entire culture and mentality of an entire nation doesn't happen over night.
But I do think ya'll need to starting get a bit smarter about gun ownership and the mindset surrounding it is all.
Think on it a bit deeper.
It just being a right given by some long dead person only goes so far as a point of argument I feel.
I mean whose rights are more important? A persons right to own a gun for whatever reasons, or a persons right to be alive and not be killed by a
Because honestly I see more innocent people being killed by non-criminals with guns, than home owners killing home invaders with guns these days.
Regardless there is a major problem in the U.S that needs fixing when it comes to firearms one way or another.
edit on 24-3-2018 by
AtomicKangaroo because: typos as usual. probably more in there lol.