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Kescarte Dejudica: Introduction

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posted on Mar, 13 2018 @ 10:48 PM
Hello fellow members of ATS!

I am Kescarte DeJudica. I'm on a few different forums and websites, and am now glad to be a part of this one.

I am a gamer, a technology enthusiast, a reader, etc. I enjoy debating, like a lively topic to go back and forth with. I'm a beginning YouTuber (cause who doesn't have a channel these days, am I right?). Those are some of my interests.

I'm also very interested in financial freedom. When I get to the point in my life that I am ready to marry and raise a family, it is important to me that my family has plenty and is well provided for, but I do not want to be the kind of husband/father who is gone from them all the time if I can help it. I don't want to miss my children and have them grow up without me. Not saying there is anything wrong with being gone, but I personally want to avoid that as much as possible! In addition, financial freedom would free up my time to pursue other interesting and enjoying activities. Things that can certainly be profitable, but things where profit is not the main objective.

Hehe, okay, the soapbox speech is over. I hope you now have a little better idea of what makes my mental gears turn. Hopefully, you'll get to better know me in my posts, but if you want to know more about I suggest googling my username.

Rise to the Top my friends!

posted on Mar, 14 2018 @ 02:16 AM
Hello and Welcome.
edit on 14-3-2018 by Night Star because: (no reason given)


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