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Toxic Plume Released

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posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 04:43 PM
This photo is of U.S. Ecology, a toxic waste disposal site in Nye County, Nevada. No one seems to ever complain:

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 04:46 PM
No one will notice when you burn them tyres.....

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 10:53 PM

I wouldn't want to be anywhere near there.
Unfortunatly, that's what some large cities look like mid-summer with the humity and pollution.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 07:18 AM
Sad isn't it. The way we hurt this planet =(

but yes, it does look like the city I am from, we have a steel works there and so much polution, thats why I love living here...there nothing better than actually seeing the stars at night.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 09:02 AM
I despise irresponsible polution but the picture is not evidence of such. It shows a white cloud rising from the desert floor on a hazy day. The haze is not from the site it is from the weather as stated in the description. The white plume could be as innocuous as a steam release from a heating or cooling system. Granted it could also be a release of some noxious or radioactive, but until we know it really shows nothing.

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 11:19 AM
sad,sad,sad....out of sight out of mind.......the pollution problem is only ever going to get worse.

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Wolferacerfan
I despise irresponsible polution but the picture is not evidence of such. It shows a white cloud rising from the desert floor on a hazy day. The haze is not from the site it is from the weather as stated in the description. The white plume could be as innocuous as a steam release from a heating or cooling system. Granted it could also be a release of some noxious or radioactive, but until we know it really shows nothing.

this site in in fact US Ecology in Beatty, Nevada. Google it and you will see what they do. This rat does not lie.

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 01:32 PM
just more proof that very dangerous material is still being put in the enviroment.good job that will make the people glow in the dark lol.

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 01:59 PM
In defense of Wolferacer I would like to point out that the facility handles organic and medical wastes as seen in the quote below from their website.

Our batch stabilization system can stabilize and treat a wide variety of inorganic and organic wastes and debris to meet Land Disposal Restriction requirements. Beatty also offers thermal desorption services as a proven, cost-effective alternative to incineration for many waste streams with organic constituents.

This process involves heat and sometimes steam as part of waste treatment. Hence Wolferacer's assertion that the emmission could be harmless steam is quite true. The plumes existance does not automatically = polution. Without further evidence it could be simple steam emmisions or standard heating stack emmisions devoid of insidious content.

I would like to further add that the real threat to the environment is not facilities like the one spoken of here where heavy regulation and careful planning are a daily part of hazmat disposal. The real problem is those companies and entities who are disposing of their wastes outside of places like this. You can make all the arguments you want against polution but facilites like the one listed here are part of the solution not the problem unless you want to do away with hazmat altogether and go back to using rocks and sticks to scratch out a living.

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 08:53 PM
the irrisponsibility of some here, epecially in the united states is mind boggling, and irritating.

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 02:47 PM
I knew this U.S. Ecology thread would eventually be revived.

There is a large fire at the radioactive, toxic dump at this time. Folks, this is one of the dirtiest places in the U.S. Amazing how bad it is and what they do there. Millions of pounds of radioacive, mercury laden material is burned and buried there every year.

I have put together brief report and a good photo , taken about 2.5 hours ago,

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 07:34 PM
maybe this is why i feel a little nutty lately. i having a really hard time with my social skills here the last few years. its almost like i am forgetting how to interact with other people. could this be the cause? not only myself but more and more people that i know are really sorta losing it. i mean there is still a grip on reality but something is definatly slipping. truefully, the more people i meet the more i realize that im not the only one that feels like this. its everything we can do to get thru a day without some kind of mental malfunction. at first i thought it was these cell phone towers and they may play a part, and i know this burning of toxins has to be affecting people mentally and physically. and we cant forget about the chemtrails that shower us with love. ahh, gotta love that mettalic taste in your mouth.

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