posted on Mar, 2 2018 @ 05:41 PM
originally posted by: stormcell
Retailers in the UK were selling Bladerunner branded jackets which were stab-proof. A necessary bit of kit for living in London.
This is the only clothing I see that would work as its described, although I'd rather say slash proof rather than stab proof. A sharp pointed object
being thrusted into you is going to be quite uncomfortable unless there is form of solid material that the point of a knife can be stopped with. Yes
the stab proof fabric will prevent actual piercing but the body is still going to have to absorb some of the energy.
When I use to work as a security guard here in the UK I treated myself to a few slash resistant tops that I could wear under my uniform, I use to buy
long sleeved ones to protect myself from any slashing on my forearms. This gave me slight comfort in knowing if I had someone desperate with a needle
of knife I'd have half a chance of coming out unscathed yet I still wouldn't of wanted to take a direct thrust of a knife into my body
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2-3-2018 by ThePeaceMaker because: I never proof read