posted on Feb, 28 2018 @ 03:48 PM
firstly, I'm very pro 2nd amendment, and a multiple gun owner. secondly, i feel many gun owners are delusional in thinking that their guns can stem
the tide of governmental tyranny in 2018 AD. I'm sorry, but firearms are an antiquated tool. Does the military use guns to do their killing now? A
bit, but mostly no; they use UAV's or unmanned aerial vehicles, and now they're even using DEW's or directed energy weaponry as the tool of choice.
YES, this is the truth, and Americans firearms can easily be taken away from the 5% of people who don't comply to any new laws.
So, with this in mind, i think the OP is half correct in thinking TPTB want us armed to the teeth. Not so we can protect and defend the United
States, no, it's so when they shut off the electric grid and stop shipping food to our cities we will eventually slaughter each other in a vicious and
brutal hunger game. What could be a more perfect end to the good old USA for these demented satanists? Remember, TPTB are Lucifarians, and they are
psychotic torturous inbreds who desire nothing more than to see us all suffer to the greatest extent and then be sacrificed for their profit and
enjoyment. Behind every big gun company is TPTB, and for some reason they want us Americans armed to the teeth.
don't believe? research DEW's and the recent Californian fires. Our guns cant stop this evil and they know it!