The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light
Dear Readers,
it is difficult to describe briefly the complex life and career of Billy Graham, he was a tenacious advocate for the defense of ethical values that he
defended as to be essential in the core of Christian Theology: Anti Atheism, Anti Violence, Anti Drugs consumption, so Anti Narcotrafic, as well as,
Anti Segregation and more over Anti Corruption.
He was one of the first White Baptist Pastors of the country in to welcome the Antisegregation rule of the Supreme court of 1954, in that sense he
separated from the ultra conservative Christians of his time, and he befriended Martin Luther King in 1960, also H.H. Pope John Paul II in 1981, with
whom shared an Anti Marxist Agenda, and he refused always to travel to South Africa during the Apartheid on 1980s.
Today he finally rested in peace at 99 years old, his was a life span of continuous and uninterrupted exhaustive work for the causes he trusted. As a
Baptist evangelist he believed Bible was entirely the word of God, with no exception along all the scriptures, so he might be considered
fundamentalist Christian Protestant, but he believed that only a faith with works is alive, something that is not so common in the world he came from.
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Billy Graham although a firm believer in the reform was not a sectarian preacher, he developed a strange rapport and friendship with two Catholic
icons: John F. Kennedy and Karol Wojtila, the first Catholic President of the USA and the first non Italian Pope in five centuries.
His style of preaching was more focused in to encourage people to develop Christian moral virtues than in to assume judgemental attitudes, in to join
efforts to bring the kingdom of God to this world instead in to boost enmity among different Christian denominations, he believed that it was in
competing to be better than others and not more evil than them that we can distinguish the quality of our faith and spiritual convictions, in that
sense he could be considered as a ecumenical pastor coming from Protestantism.
In particular the Polish Pope who he defined as the most influential voice of The XX century and a genuine Evangelist, in spite to don't be
Protestant, once told him that they were actually brothers in Christ.
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Thanks for your attention, the thread is open to meditate in the legacy of this great man for the people that devoutly followed him a long so many
decades and for the nation and the world in general.
America has lost a great Moral leader in a time of evident deep crisis of confidence, with terrible scandals running in the politics and a horrendous
wave of violence spread in the streets, boosted by the erosion of essential social aspects, we have seen a chain of genocides committed by lonely
people sunk in hatred and resentment, murderers that lack of firm family values, lack of good parenthood or family structure around them, a sign of
disintegration of the society Graham tried to construct along decades.
The Angel of Lightness
edit on 2/21/2018 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)