WOW! following this thru was very educational...
choice point knows more about every American than the FBI (the FBI asks them for it, when needed).
They have it all connected in a nice little bundle that spits out your buying preferances with your other spending habits (little late on the bills)
with the movies you watch and the TV programs you choose, as well as your travel habits (and so much more) and puts them against psych profiles to
see if A+B+C equals= terrorist/credit risk/pedophile/theif/axe murderer/seriel killer/ militia/ white supremist/ basically every criminal demographic.
then consider that they sell this info to any business that wants it... so that the business can put it thru their profiler program, to see if you
would be hirable for a certain job, or trustable with a certain responsibility.
girls and boys... also consider this (my conspiratorial mind is spinning)
insurance companies can look at your pattern of condom buying to decide if you are too promiscuous to insure (aids threat)
they can also look at the foods you eat (too much fast food) and take you to a high risk level of cost....(even though you are in good heallth)
these data pools assume too much to truly be accurate, but since it isn't an "official" record, they don't have to be accurate, but they can still
affect you negatively...
and they can do this, because why?
THEN, consider the lack of information security that happens such as in this case, and the data pool companies start to look very dangerous to all
and the worst thing is...There is no oversight, and no legislation that truly protects us... the supposed rules don't even require that we be
informed if our info is stolen...
I encourage everyone here to contact this company and insist upon full disclosure of the situation to all people possibly affected...
BTW: this company bought the company that fudged the florida elections in 2000
[edit on 16-2-2005 by LazarusTheLong]