posted on Feb, 17 2018 @ 05:52 AM
Trust your compass.
I bought a new compass, an Engineer Lenstatic compass, the type with a small lens and sights. I set it to account for the few degrees magnetic north
is off from true north in my area.
I was out at my friend's place trying to find his southeast corner property marker. While we were traveling through the bush, he was totally rejecting
my compass readings and saying his sense of direction was better. I kept telling him to, "trust the compass" even though I hadn't tested it before.
Well, I found it based on my readings (not him, he was way off). We had a hard time finding it because it was one of those iron supports use for
chicken wire fencing and it was bent down to the ground. Had it been up right we would have probably found it earlier as it was about 3 foot tall from
the ground.
Of course, my friend has a hard time taking anyone's advice and will believe his own ideas no matter how flawed his logic. I proved to him the value
of trusting the compass, I hope. Too bad he wouldn't accept any of the other common sense advice I have to give. He's ten years older than me and
pretty much refuses to believe I have any practical wisdom to impart.
edit on 17-2-2018 by MichiganSwampBuck because: typo
on 17-2-2018 by MichiganSwampBuck because: another typo