posted on Feb, 14 2018 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to:
Joking aside, I totally get where you're coming from. We watched the men's halfpipe live and are fans of Shaun White, but the commentary was
terrible. My partner even mentioned it...I couldn't answer her question save for the numbers meant degrees of rotation.
As someone who grew up reading
Thrasher magazine (they actually had
Thrasher[a skateboarding magazine] on the top shelf with the skin
rags in my deep south town) and ordering decks, bearings, trucks and all sorts of other skateboarding gear and swag from
California Cheap
Skates, I thought I would have picked up the commentary jargon fairly quickly after the first few runs...nope. Even us, pesky whipper-snappers,
felt the commentary was poorly articulated and delivered.
You're spot-on.
It was nice to see Shaun pull out the win on his 3rd and final run. Shaun seems to be a really good dude. Much like the guy I grew up wanting to be,
Tony Hawk. Tony and Shaun are class acts; both are supremely technically talented and true icons of their respective sports.
*Just to grind your mental gears a little more, the stances (right foot first or vice versa) are borrowed from skateboarding jargon and one of them is
termed 'goofy-footed' -- I'll let figuring that one out to be your homework.